Page 159 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 159
Leclair Funeral Home Records 1917 - 1944
Sudbuw. Ontario. Canada
Surname Maiden Narne Data
PAGÉ lwan Died July 8, 1940 in Sudbury at 27 days, born Sudbury, residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury. funeral date Jul
9, 1940, clergy F. Coallier, physician Dr. Laflamrne - ordered by Pagé. Margaret - charged to Pagé, M. -of 231
PAGNUTI John Died February 26,1923 in Sudbury at 10 days, born Sudbury, residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, funeral
date February 27, 1923. clergy F. Prirneau, physician Dr. Dixon - ordered by Gasperini, Albert - charged to
Pagnuti, Francisco -of Sudbury
PAQUETTE Adeline GAUTHIER Died January 16, 1926 in Sudbury at 75 years 5 rnonths 4 days, born Clinton USA, occupation housewife.
residence Sudbury. buried in Sudbury. funeral date January 19, 1926, clergy F. Paré, physician Dr. Kelly -
ordered by Mailloux, Jos. - charged to Mailloux, Jos. - of Sudbury
PAQUETTE Baby Died May 2, 1942 in Sudbury at Stillbom. bom Sudbury, residence Sudbury. buried in Blezard Valley, funeral
date May 2, 1942. clergy F. Dufresne. physician Dr. Laflamme - ordered by Paquette, L. - charged to Paquette,
LBo - of 240 Queen
PAQUETTE David Died March 28, 1924 in Sudbury at 52 years 8 months. born Bryson, P.Q., occupation labourer. residence
Sudbury, buried in Sudbury. funeral date March 30. 1924, clergy F. Paré, physician Dr. Dixon - ordered by
Paquette, David - charged to Paquette, D. - of 257 Whittaker St.
PAQUETTE Délia MAILLOUX Died January 26, 1925 in Sudbury at 54 years, born Plaisance, USA, occupation housewife, residence
Sudbury, buried in Sudbury. funeral date January 28. 1925, clergy F. Paré. physician Dr. Mulligan - ordered by
Paquette, Nap. - charged to Paquette. N. - of Sudbury
PAQUETTE Deméria DAOUST Died April6. 1925 in Sudbury at 39 years 11 months. born Casselman, occupation housewife. residence
Chelmsford. buried in Chelmsford. funeral date Shipped April6, 1925, clergy F. Coté. physician J. R. Hurtibise
ordered by Paquette, Régis - charged to Paquette. Régis -of Chelmsford
PAQUETTE Ernery Died March 7. 1943 in Sudbury at 63 years 1 rnonth 14 days, born L'Orignal, Ont., occupation labourer,
residence Sudbury. buried in Sudbury. funeral date March 9. 1943. clergy F. Legault, physician Dr. Laflarnme -
lordered by Paqueîte, Lionel - charged to Paquette, L. -of 89 Pine St.
PAQUETTE l~eanne 1 bied October 21. 1936 in Sudbuw at 51 vears. born Les Cédres. occu~ation housewife. residence Sudbuw.
I I I lburied in Sudbury, funeral date 0;tober 33. 1936. clergy F. ~ema~. phisician Dr. p on es'- ordered by Paquette, 1
IE. - charged to Paquette, E. - of 177 Notre Dame
PAQUETTE IJose~h Jr. 1 l~ied November 4. 1938 in Sudbuw at 42 vears. born Isle Calumet. residence Sudbuw. buried in Sudbuw.
S. ,
funeral date ~ovefnber 5. 1938, clérgy F. éoallier, physician Dr. Shapper - ordered by Paquette, Jos. - charged
to Paquette, Jos. -of 390 Queen
PAQUETTE Unknown Died May 7, 1926, funeral date Januaiy 0, 1900 - ordered by Paquette, Alfred - charged to Paquette. A. -of
PAQUETTE Valerie Died Feburary 7, 1919 in Sudbury at 32 (or 52) years. 11 months, born Chenie~ille, occupation housekeeper,
residence Sudbury. buried in Sudbury, funeral date February 8, 1919, clergy F. Descoteaux. physician A.
Pressault - ordered by Paquette, Moïse
lllegal Io copy without permission -copyright 2004 Sudbury District Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society
do Sudbury Public Library, 74 Mackenzie St., Sudbury, ON. P3C 4x8 Att. Publications Co-ordinator