Page 154 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 154

Leclair Funeral Home Records 1917 - 1944

                                                                                                       Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
                               Surname                              Maiden Name  Data
                                                    Il."..._       1                   1
                               NETiO                 Luigi                              Died April26. 1925 in Sudbury at 36 years 4 months 7 days. born Monastier, Italy. occupation labourer,
                                                                                        residence Pasiano di Pordenone. buried in Sudbury, funeral date April 28, 1925, clergy F. Trainor, physician
                                                                                        Dr. Dales - ordered by Cecutti, Mr. - charged to Cecutti, Mr. -of Sudbury
                               NEWON                 Sara                               Died October 20, 1938 in Sudbury at 35 years. born Sudbury, occupation housewife, residence Donagance,
                                                                                        buried in Sudbury. funeral date October 22, 1938. clergy F. Coallier, physician Dr. Polock - ordered by Newton,
                                                                                        Ed. - charged to Newton -of 297 Murray. Donagance. Ont.
                               NICKOFF               Nick                               Died  Dec 26.  1918 in Sudbury at 42 years, born Austria, occupation employee C.N.R.. residence Hornepayne,
                                                                                        buried in Sudbury, funeral date January 13, 1918, clergy F. Descoteaux, physician H. M. Torrington - ordered
                                                                                        by hospital
                               NOFFKE                John                               Died October 25. 1918 in sud bu^ at 55 vears. bom Germanv. occuoation labourer. residence Roohas.
                                                                                       Iontario, buried in Sudbury. funeral date 0ctober 27, 1918. pl;;siciai         W. Dales - ordered by J. ~ofke '
                               NUMMl                lSam            1                   IDied March 1, 1926 in Sudbury at 40 years. born Finland, occupation labourer, residence Copper Cliff. buried
                              1                     1               1                   lin Toronto. funeral date ~hiotid ~arch 1926. ohvsician Dr. ~olianen ordered bv St.  oseo oh's Hosoital -
                                                                                                                                              .. .
                                                                                        lcharged ti University of ~oknto Medical Department - of d or ont o.
                               O'MALLEY             IShirley        1                  (Died February 2. 1935 in Sudbury at 23 days. born Chelmsford. residence Chelmsford, buried in Chelmsford.
                                                                                        funeral date ~ebruary4, 1935, clergy F. ~4té, physician Dr. P. Laflamrne - ordered by Paquette, G. (Mrs) -
                                                                                        charged to O'Malley. Léo -of Chelmsford
                               OBUMSAWIN             Marie Ange                         Died September 10, 1920 in Sudbury at 2 hours, born Sudbury, residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury. funeral
                                                                                        date September 12, 1920. clergy F. Carrière, physician J. E. Charbonneau - ordered by Obumsawin. Arthur

                               OBUMSAWIN             Marie                               Died Septernber 10, 1920 in Sudbury at 2 hours, born Sudbury. residence Sudbury. buried in Sudbury, funeral
                                                     Denise                             date September 12. 1920, clergy F. Carriére, physician J. E. Charbonneau - ordered by Obumsawin. Arthur

                               OBUMSAWIN             Marie Exilda                       Died September 10.1920 in Sudbury at 12 hours, born Sudbury, residence Sudbury. buried in Sudbury, funera
                                                                                        date September 12, 1920, clergy F. Carrière, physician J. E. Charbonneau - ordered by Obumsawin, Arthur

                               YBUMSAWIN             Cyril                              Died March 26, 1936 in Sudburyat 9 years 1 month 25 days, born Levack, occupation student. residence
                                                                                        Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, funeral date March 28, 1936, clergy F. Lemay. physician Dr. Kirk - ordered by
                                                                                        O'Bumsawin, A. - charged to O'Bumsawin, A. - of Montague
                               YBUMSAWIN             Marcel                             Died April 16, 1936 in Sudbury at 5 years 11 months 9 days, born Levack, residence Sudbury, buried in
                                                                                        Sudbury, funeral date April 17, 1936, clergy F. Lemay. physician Dr. Kirk - ordered by O'Bumsawin, A. -

                                                                                        charged to O'Bumsawin, A. -of 449 Montague
                               3DE-E                 M. Caroline                        Died November 18. 1936 in Sudbury at 1 day, born Sudbury. residence Sudbury. buried in Sudbury, funeral
                                                                                        date Novernber 18. 1936. clergy F. Lemay, physician Dr  Cook - ordered by Lécuyer, G. - charged to Lescuyer,
                                                                                        C  . nf ?An Mahb

                                                                         lllegal to copy without permission - copyright 2004 Sudbury District Branch. Ontario Genealogical Society
                                                                            do Sudbury Public Library. 74 Mackenzie SI.. Sudbury. ON. P3C 4x8  Att. Publications Co-ordinalor
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