Page 3 - index
P. 3

O 2004 The Ontario Genealogical Society and Brenda Dougall RIerriman
                                  All  rights  reserved.  No part  of  this  publication  may  be  reproduced,
                                  stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by  any means
                                  - electronic, mechanical,  photocopying,  microreproduction,  recording
                                  or otherwise - without  prior  written  permission  of  the  publisher.

                                  Further copies  of  this  book  and  information about  the  Society can  be
                                  obtained  by  writing  to:
                                  The Ontario  Genealogical  Society
                                  Suite  102, 40 Orchard View  Boulevard
                                  Toronto ON  h14R  1B9

                                  National Library of Canada Cataloguing in Publication
                                  Merriman,  Brenda  Dougall
                                      About  genealogical  standards  of  evidence  : guide  for genealogists
                                  by  Brenda  Dougall  Slerriman. - 2nd  ed.
                                  ISBN 0-7779-21 35-9

                                      1. Genealogy.  I. Ontario  Genealogical  Society.  11. Title.

                                  Corer Photo: The author's  grandparents,  William  Charles  Dougall  of
                                  Winnipeg  and Jessie  Isabella  (Belle) hIcFadyen  of  Oakbank, Manitoba,
                                  who  married  in  1894. The photo is  by  Parkin  of Winnipeg.
                                  Cover  designed  by:  BG  Communications

                                  Published  by:
                                  The  Ontario  Genealogical  Society
                                  Suite  102, 40  Orchard  View  Boulevard
                                  Toronto ON  RI4R  1B9
                                  tel. 41 6-489-0734
                                  tel. 41  6-489-9803
                                  Published  with  assistance  from  the  Ontario  hlinistry  of  Culture.
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