Page 44 - index
P. 44


                     Robitaille and Mrs e YVonne Dubois ama. Mrs(> A1:fred(Ireme)Gagne....
                     all of Lewi$t.o~,Me ~d'ns.Georges(Louise)Chasseof Turner,Me
                     and Mrs. Lucille Cyr of Waterville,Me 0 He has been living in
                     LewistongMe for 45 years and worked as Q shoe worker.
                     His grandparents were Charles=Job and his seaond wife M.Caroline

                     Bolduc who were married Jano26 1864 at St.Franyois,Beauce,p.a.
                     He married his first wife Scholastique Jolin Feb.ll,1862 at
                     The parents of Charles-Job We.t'@ Jean-Baptiste and MltLouise Gagne
                     who were married Feb.7 q 1832 at StoJoseph,P.O.
                     The parents of Jean~Baptiste were Pierre and M.M~the Quirion
                     who were married Nov.24,1800 at St0Fran9ois~Beauce,p.QG
                                                                                                    ,        ,
                     The parents of Pierre were Pierre and his first wife Pelicite C.
                     Cloutier who were married Auq.22 l775 at St.Joseph,Beauce,P.O.
                     He married his second wife Josette Cloutier Mar.l,la13 at st.
                     Joseph, BeaUC8 g PeQe
                     The parents of second PiexrG were Pierre and M.Anne Leqenc:lre who

                     were married Auq.15 1741 - civil marriage contract.
                     The parents of the third Pierre were Pierre and Marie Houde who
                     were married Sept:.2,1714 .... civil marriage contract.
                     The parents of the fourth Pierre 'Jlere Aubin and Elisabeth Aubert
                     who were married sept629 1670 at Quebec City.
                     The parents of Aubin Lambert dit Champagne were Odard Lambert

                     and Jacqueline Feillart of St""'Aubin of Tourouvre, arrondissement
                     of Mortagne~ln Perches           France~ Aubin was baptized June 30,1632.
                    His wife Elisabeth was the daughter of Michel and of Jeanne Au-

                    bert of St-Sulpice of Parise The greatest: majority of descendants
                    of this family are known today as Champagne but at st.Joseph,Beau-
                    ce kept the family name of Lmnbertt>


                    LEOPOLD was born Apr0 23,1904 at St.Methode,PoQ. and died Apr.S,
                    1979 at his home after a long illness in Lewiston,Me. He was the
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