Page 47 - index
P. 47


                 ried Apro8 g 1861 at sto~s~nepPQQ~

                 The parents of Clovis were Pierre and Archange Desch;nes who
                were married Novc20~1814 at Ste Anne de la Pocatiere,P.O.

                 The parents of Pierre were Pierre-Antoine and Gen'vieve Roy
                who were married Jan019 g 1784 at Ste Anne de la pocatiere,p.O.
                The parents of Pierre-Antoine were Louis and Rosalie Bouchard
                                         o                                                   ,
                who were married F,eb c 26 1753 at Ste Anne de la Pocatiere,P.Q.
                The parents of Louis were               Pierre and Genevieve Lizotte who were
                married Nov.18 1127 at Ste Anne de la pocatiere,PeQ.
                The parents of Pierre wake Jacques and Louise Jean who were mar-
                ried June 2 1692 in Qu6bec CitYQ{For the rest of the information
                see page 42 0 }


                JULIEN Po was born Septo27 g 1915 in Auburn,Me and died on Sept.
                19,1978 unexpectedly at the ho~pita10 He was the son of Amed'e

                and Amanda Leblond who were mar~ied Nov o 25 1905 in Auburn,Me.
                His wife was Carmen Hor:lLn of Lewisd:on/lrle<> They had a daughter

                Miss Ruth Cloutier serving with the UGSO Army at Louisville,KY••
                He had a surviving half-sister ~1rs~Ernest(Anna)Cloutier of
                Lewiston,Me and 2 sisters~Irma and Juli~tte both of Auburn,Me.
                He attended StoLouis Grammar ~chool ~~d Auburnes High School••
                He 'lrl0rked for Lepage BaJcery for many year~ as a truck driver.

                He t'\TM in the Merchant Harines for 5 years                  M    a chief Petty Off1-
                cero Also he worked at E~tes Cotton Mill as a machinist for 30
                His grandparents were Augustin and Agnes Nadeau who were married
                Auq.4 1863 at St@Josepho3eaucsoPQQ*
               The parents of Augu.etin tll'®'re Auqu.stin and his second wife Achange
               Lessaxd who wexc married Febo6~1837 at StoJosephoBeauce. He mar-
               ried his first wife M~Therese Bisson Nov~7~1809 at St.Joseph,Beauce.
               The parenta of the second Augustin were Joseph and Marie Mathieu

               who were m&rried Oct o16,1781 at StQJosephqBeauce o
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