Page 41 - index
P. 41
The parents of Napolton were Jean-Baptiste and veronique Demers
who were married at Ste Mar1egBeaUce,P~Qo
" ... ,..
The parents of Jean-Baptiste were Joseph and Therese Crete who
were married Feb&14,1797 at Bte Maria"BeauceoP.Q. He married
his $.Dfm(bW~ Maz-ie Roy JM0101840 at St,.Anselme,PltQ.
The parents of Joseph were Joseph Me and Ge'nevieve Carrier who
were married Apro21 1166 at Lauzon,PeQe
The parents of Joseph Me were Jacques-Charles and Catherine
Huard who were married AprolO 1736 at LauzonoP.Q.
The parents of Jacques-Charles were Jean and Jeanne Samson who
were married Aprn15 170S = a civil marriage contract.
The paren.ts of Jean were Jean and Barbe Halay who were married
Nov.14,1670 at Qu~bec Cityc
The parents of the second Jean ware Jean and Jeanne Dodier of
st.Georges q diocese of Xaintes g in saintonge,France. Barbe was
the daughter of Jean and Mathurine Vallet of St.Julien of Coudray,
diocese of Chartres, Beauce,Francee
ROSARIO was born AUge28,1899 at. St,Charles,Bellechasse,P.Q. and
died Marell11980 at Rum£ored Hospital o He was there for a day. He
laved in. RumfordeMso He was the son of Leon and of Caroline Ber-
nier who were married J&n&\23 189J at St..CnQ.rlese Leon's first wife
was Eugenia Roy ~ho were married Febe19@1818 at Bt.Charleso
His wife was Hilda Paulin. They had a son George of Rumford and
2 daughterlS~ MrSoCecile Begin of NOoAdams Mass and Mrs.Robert
(Yvonne)Nadeau of Rumford,Mee He had 2 surviving sisters: Misses
Blanche and Adrienne of Rumford and 12 grandchildren and 9 great-
granchildrano He lived in the community for more than 60 years
and he retired from t.he Shipping Department of the Oxford Paper Co..
His grandparen~~ were Joseph Jean-Bte and Olympe Dutil who were
married Aug.4 g 1840 at SteHenrioLevisgPQQ$
The parents of Joseph Jean=Bte were Jean=Baptiste and M.Cecile
Boutin who were. married oc't o 26 g 1807 at stevalier D,Bellechase,P.O.