Page 38 - index
P. 38
His wife was Anne He Laplante. They had a daughter:Mrs. Gerry
(Nancy) Demoulin of Be.r11n-ii ala 2 surviving sisters were Mrs.
Germaine Davis of LewistonqMe and Mrs Lorraine Jeffrey of aer-
lin,N.H. He had 2 step-brothers: LEto Marcotte of Berlin and
Lucien Marcotte of Fountain Valley,Califo and 1 grandson. He
lived in Berlin all his life and was employed as a shipping
forman at the floc Plant for Bro~m,C00 until his retirement·.
in 1976.
His grandparents were Ferdinand and Anny Baker who were married
Feb.5,l890 at St.Nicolas,Lev!s,P.Q.
The parents of Ferdinand were Joseph and Rosalie valliere who
were mal~ried Jan.14,185l at StoNicolas.
The parents of Joseph were Charles and Anastasia vermet who were
married Aug.17,1824 at St.Nicolas.
The parents of Charles were Charles and Gen'vieve Hqard who were
married Oct.l8,1790 at Lauzon,Levis,P.Q.
~ "
The parents of the second Charlf'!s tfare charles and Genevieve
Blanchet who were married Nov e 3 1762 at Lauzon.
The parents of the third Charles were Antoine and Madeleine Lam-
bert who were married Nov~23,1733 at StoNicolas.
The parents of Antoine ~~e Georges and his second wife Barbe
Boucher who were married Apr.22,1686 at cnateau-Richer,P.O. He
married his first wife Anne Joppy Sept.13 ,1 1657 at Quebec.
The parents of Georges Cadoret dit La Breton was the son of pierre
Cadoret and ~f Barbs D@slauriers of vannes, in Bretagne,France.
Georges was buried a Levis Apr e 18,1771 and Barbe Boucher remarried
for the third tim~u Louis Jourdain of Levis Feb.a,l7l2.
MAURICE was born June 1~e1918 at BrunswickoMe and died at the age
of 60 in Vacaville..Calif" H~ was the son of Ludger and Ida Thi-
bodeau who were married Jan e 17,1910 in Brunswick,Me.
His wife was Joan Walker a native of England. They had two daugh-