Page 197 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 197

O'Brien,  The  Rev.  John, hljssion  City.  B.C.
                                 O'Rrien,  Rt.  Rev.  J. A.,  714  King  S~reet. West,  Haniilton,  Ont.
                                 O'Brien  Dr.  J.  A.,  M3 Northgate  Building,  Edmonton,  Alta.
                                 O'Brien,  Miss  Sala,  4280 Wesiern  Avenue,  Westmount,  P.Q.
                                 O'Brien.  W.  G.,  1554 Cote  Gignae.  Sillery, Quebec,  P.Q.
                                 O'Byrne, Rev.  Petrick B.,  Box  171,  Clarceholm,  Alta.
                                 O'C~nnell, Rev.  Mie hael,  74d Vierv  Street,  Victoria,  B.C.
                                 O'Connor,  1.  Brendari,  462  Lansdowne  Avenrie,  Westmorint,  P.Q.
                                 O'Connor,  Mr.  Thomas  P.,  B.A.,  320 Bay  Sireet,  Toronto,  Ont.
                                 O'Diiniiell,  Miss  Anna,  3556  Prudhomme Avenue,  Montreal,  P.Q.
                                 O'Donriell,  J. fi.,  431 North  Halifax  Aveniie,  Da!toiie   Beach,  Fla.
                                 O'Dorioghrie,  Mt>.  D.  J.,  9  hlacdonald  Avenue,  hlirnico,  Toronto  14,
                                 O'Hara,  J.  J.,  349  Third  Averiue,  Ottawa,  Ont.
                                 O'Hara,  M.A.,  Suite  4  -  612  Grosyenor  Avenue,  Winnipeg  9,  Man.
                                 O'Hara,  Mr.  Francis,  Assistant  Sirperintenderit  of  Schools,  9711 -  35th
                                     Avenue,  Ednicinion.  Alta.
                                 Omaniqrie,  Joseph  J.,  74  Logan  Avenrie,  Loridon,  Ont.
                                 O'Neill,  Most  Rer.  M.C..  Chanccry  Oiiice,  2107  Garnet  Strect,  Regina,
                                 ORegan.  W.  B.,  Bank  of  Toronto Building,  Yorkton,  Sask.
                                 O'Reilly,  Rev.  J.  A.,  J.C.D.,  SI. 3lichael's  Church,  Bos  742,  Diinnviile,
                                 O'Reilly,  Rev.  Dr. P. J.,  St. Joseph's  Seminary.  Box 200. SI. ALbert, Alta.
                                 Osboirie,  Rev.  Wni.  l., MA.,  Si.  Rose  Chrirch,  541  hIilfurd  Road,
                                     Laneaster,  N.B.
                                 O'Snllivari,  Dr.  Paul,  M.D.,  FRCP  (C)., 45  Garfield  Avenue,  Toroiito,
                                 O'Sullivan.  Most Rev. J. A.,  D. D., Arcbishop of  Kingston, Arehbi~hop's
                                     House,  Kiiig~ton. 01tt.
                                 Orir  Lady  tif  Faiirna  Corivent,  Heathcrtcin,  An~igonish County,  N.S.
                                     ( Sister  Rose  Miriam).
                                 OIIT Lady  of  Victory  MemoriaI  Pariah,  MecI~aac, Rev.  J.  K.,  M.A.,
                                     D.D.,  249  Arnold  Avenue,  Winnipeg  13,  Rian.
                                 Overeiid,  Mr.  Frederick  J.,  314  London  S~reet, Petrrborough,  Ont.
                                 Overeiid,  Harold  J.,  11 AIbert Street, Souili,  Orillie.  Ont.
                                 Owens,  Rev.  S.  P.,  P.O.  Box  7, Pembroke,  Ont.
                                 Paxton,  J.  F.,  1021 Lakeiihore  Road,  E., Oakr~ille, Ont.
                                 Pctronne,  Mr.  Alfred  A.,,  Barri~ter 8!  Sulicitcir,  22  Sonth  Coiirt
                                     Street,  Port Artbur,  Ont.
                                 Phelan,  hliss Josephinc,  70 Walmsley  Blvd.,  Toronto,  Ont.
                                 Placidia,  Sisier  M.,  Sieters  of St.  Joseph,  hlouiit  St.  Josqh,  London,
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