Page 198 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 198
Priester, Rev. V. A., Executive Director & Secretary, English Catholie
Edneation Association of Ontario, 477 Jarvis Street, Toronto 5,
Purcell, Rev. John, P.P., St. John Fisher Parish, 120 Surrimerhi11 Averiue,
Talois, P.Q.
Purcell, Brother Ste~hen, 36-21 Prndhrirnnie Avenue, hloiitreal, P.Q.
The Library, Qneen's Universir!., Kingstiin. Ont.
Raftis, Rev. J. A., C.S.R., St. Michael's College. Toronto, Ont.
Reardon, Rt. Rev. Jarn~s hl.: Pastrir, Ba~ilica of S t. Mary, Minniopolas,
Min. U.S.A.
Redemptoriat Fathers, IliC!X - GSth Street, Edmonton, Alta.
Reid, Rt. Rer. Martin P.. D.P.? St. Angnstine'a Pari~h. 5565 St. Antoine
Road, 3Ioritrea1, P.Q.
Reid, Mr. V. P., B.A., Barristpr 8; Solicitor, Osler, Hoskin Si liarcriurt,
68 Yorige Street, Toronto. Ont.
Reilly, Mr. Charles F., B.S.. hl.A., 337 - 15th Avenne, West, Cal~ary.
Reilly, T. E., B.A., Barrister & Snlicilar, 699 Coxwell Avenue, Toronto.
Reynolds, Edgar T.. 712 Lpper Roslyn Avenue, Westrriount, P.Q.
Reynolds, Rev. W. A., St. Edrriurid's Rectoru, 11319 - 129ih Avenue,
EArnontrin, Alta.
Riederer. Mr. D. A., 3511 Carnet Street, Regina, Sask.
Roaeh, Hontiuratile Mc. Justice W. Il., Osgoode Hall, Tororito, Ont.
Rohl)ins. hlr. S. G. J.. Toole, Peet 8r Co., Lirriited, Financial Agenis,
Toole Peet Bldg.. Calgary, AIta.
Rnbertaon, L. F., Notary Publie, P.O. Bnx 8, Pnwassan, Ont.
Robinson. Rev. F. C., Mount St. Louis, Willsdalc, Onl.
Robinson. filiss Rnth, 1150 Xlalilr Avenue, Qnebee, P.Q.
Roche. D. J.. OIKeefe's Liinited, 297 Victoria Street, T<irontri, Ont.
Roesler. &Ir. Hamy,
Roesler. 91r5. hlarry, 80 Rosedale Heighls Ilrire, Torontri, Ont.
Rnnan, Ri. Reu. J. E., DP., MCG., LCSC., 66 Bond Street. Toronto, On?.
Rooney, Gerard J., 260 Manchester Avenue, Lancaster. N.B.
Rush, E. W., Q.C., 100 Lawrence Crescent, Toronto. Ont.
Ryan, Dr. Erriest, KA., Ph.D., FRCS., 122 Rnsedale Heights Drive
Tororito, Orit.
Ryan. hlr. S. Perry, B.A., Barrister-at-Law, 1865 Danlortli Avenue,
Toroiito, Ont.
Sacrrd Hrsrt Aeademy, (Rev. Sister Sulierior), 13th Avenue Sr Garnct
St 1-ert, Regina, Sask.
Sscrrd Hrnrt Rectory, (Rev. A. P. Ryan), 1330 Elphinstone Street
Rrgitin, SBS~.
Si. Augustine's Monaetery, Monastery, N.S.
St. Augustine's Setriinary, Kingston Road, Toronto 13, Ont.
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