Page 192 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 192

Hynes,  Mr.  L.  I., B.A.,  320  Bay  Street,  Toronto,  Oiit.
                               Hebart,  George,  Box  249.  Gravelbourg,  Sask.
                                Ingoldsby,  Rt.  Rev.  J.  H.,  D.P., 172 Leslie  Street,  Toronto  8,  Ont.
                               Jackman, Dr. Leo, Suite 815, Medieal Arts Building,  Guy 8i  Slierbrooke
                                   Streets,  Montreal  25,  P.Q.
                               Jesuit  Novitiate,  The  Librarian,  Braeeland,  Rev.  L.,  S.J.,  Guelph,  O~ir.
                               Jesuit Seminary Library,  403 Wellington Street, West,  Toronto  28, Ont.
                               Johnston,  Mies  Mary,  4.8  Welland  Avenue,  St.  Catharines,  Ont.
                               Johnson, Rev.  Peler  Leo, D.D.,  3257 S. Lake Drive, Milwaukee 5, Wis.
                               Jnzynic,  Rev.  F.,  Sinnett,  Sask.
                               Jordan,  Most  Revrend  A.,  Coadjutor  Arehbishop  of  Edmonton,  Areh-
                                   bishop's  Residenoe,  1W-i -  113th  Street,  Edmonton,  Alta.
                               Kadziola,  Rev.  S.  J.,  St.  Anthony'a  Parid,  P.O.  Box  16, Chalk  River,
                               Laye,  V. I.,  Ph.D.,  90  Ossington  Avenue,  Otlawa,  Ont.
                               Keapiii,  Mary  Eva,  58 Clarendon  Sireet,  Saint  John.  hf.B.
                               Keenan,  John  S.,  B.Se.,  P.Eng.,  29  Rosedale  Heiyhis  Drive,  Toronto,
                               Keenan,  Dr. M.  V. J.,  7 Cedar Street,  Suite 3,  Sudbury, Ont.
                               Iieilty,  Mrs.  Tliomas,  Thomasbnrg,  Ont.
                               Kelley,  Dr.  Francis J., The  Charles  Camsell  Hospital,  Edmonton,  Alta.
                               Kelly,  Mr.  Artliur J.,  Q.C.,  LL.D.,  K.C.S.G.,  Day,  Wilson,  Keily,  Martin
                                   &  Morden, 250 University  Avenue, Toronto,  Ont
                               Kerans,  Mr.  Roger  Philip,  Barrister  8:  Soliciior,  408 Civic  Block,
                                   Edmonton,  Alta.
                               Keyserli~i, Kerrin,  Hugh  F.,  743A  Ontremont  Avenue,  Outremont,  P.Q.
                               Keyserli~igk, Robert  H.,  102 Lewis  Street,  Ottawa,  Ont.
                               Keyserlinpk, hlr. Rohert W., British  United Press Limited, 575 University
                                   Street,  Montreal,  P.Q.
                               Kimmitt,  Mr.  Robert  A.,  B.Eiip..  M.Ed..  Snperintendent  of  Schools,
                                   425 -  18th Street,  South, Lethbridge,  Alta.
                               Kindred,  A.  M.,  36 -  2nd  Avenue,  Yorkton,  Swk.
                               Kjn~. Tlie  Hon.  Mr,  Justiee  filaurice,  Osgoode  Hall,  Toronto,  Ont.
                               KnoiuItoii,  W.  Leo,  Q.C.,  320  Bay  Street,  Toronto,  Ont.
                               Knlrsar,  Rev.  A.  A.,  Kaposvar  Parish,  Esterhasy,  Sask.
                               Landriau,  L.  A.,  Q.C., 68 Yonge  Street,  Torri~ito, Ont.
                               LaPierre,  Laurier  L,:  M.,4.,  Upper  Canada  College,  Toronto,  Ont.
                               Lapointe,  Rt.  Rev.  E, J.,  D.P., 375  Kitchener  Avenue, Westmount,  P.Q.
                               Lateliford,  Mrs.  F.  R.:  186 St.  Clair  Avenue,  East,  Toronto,  Ont.
                               Latchiord,  Hie  Honour  Judge  John,  Judge's  Chambers,  Hamilton,  Ont.
                               LeBel,  The  Hon.  Mr.  Justice  Arthur  ?ri., Osgoode  Hall,  Toronto,  Ont.
                               LeBoldus,  Dr.  J. RI.,  2503 Winnipeg  Strtxt, Regina,  Sask.
                               Leonora,  Rev.  Sister  Marv,  S.P.,  40  Victoria  Avenue,  Belleville,  Ont.
                               LeBlanc, Joseph,  P.O. Box  133,  I~iver~iess, N.S.
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