Page 158 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 158

The Failure of a Mission

                                               iievereiid  Sisler  RITA Ita~v, S.C.,
                                            S6.  PQIT;C~'J High  School,  Halijox,  A'.$.

                                   The belief  of  tlie  mermritilis~a that  culrinies  exiated  for  the  henefit
                               uf  the  countrier  forturiaie  entiugh  iri  possess  tliern  had  resulted  in  the
                               European  Powers'  lack  ul interest  in  and  understanding  of  the  coloriial
                               situatiriri,  especially  in  America.  Great  Britain's  colonies,  as i1ie  eight-
                               eeiith  century  reached  its second  half,  were ~iarticularly annoyed by  the
                               Iarvs  limiting  their  [rade.  Wheii,  after  the  conclusiou  of  the  war  with
                               France  in  1763,  Prime  Minisler  George  Grcriville's  goverriment,  with
                               a  hig  financial  problem  on  its hands,  passed  the  Stamp  Act,  the  spark
                               for rebellion  had been  enkindled.  Withiri  ten  rears the rnother  country
                               and her American  colonies were at rvar.
                                   The  strategic  importance  [if  Cariada  to  the  American  cause  nas
                               eviderit  from  the  outeet.  Tlie herv  Englarid  colonies  could  easily  have
                               beeri isolaied bg a British forcc workirig souih from Quebec and Yloritreal
                               as tlieir  base.  Tu  uBset  this  Iiussibility  two expeditioiis  to  Canada  were
                               planned  in  1775 by  the  Americans  who  had  reached  coricerted  actioii
                               through  a  Congress  oE  delegates  from  most  of  the  coloriies  asscmbled
                               in  Philadelphia.  Mon~gumery, a  iormer  British  officer,  succceded  in
                               capturing  hiontreal  in  Kovember,  1775,  hut  the  British  held  Quehec
                               wiih  its furtress  un  the  Saint  Lawreuce  againat  the  assault  led  jointlu
                               by IIontgomery and Arnold  in  Dccernbcr.
                                   The remnant  of  Arnold's  army did  keep  the  Briiish  in  Quebec,  but
                               the  Americans  were  riot  cquippcd for the  rigorfi  of  a  Canadian  winter.
                               Sick,  cold,  hurigry  arid  withuut  credit,  they,  in  desperation,  seized
                               suplilies  wheri  the Canadians  would  not  aceept  their  paper  money.  As
                               tIie  year  1776 operied  the  Amcricaii  situarion  in  Canada  was  far from
                               being  a  favorable orle.

                                   011 Fehruary 14, 1776, the Continerital Congress considered  n  report
                               of  tlie Comniittee of  Corresponderice eoncerning a conferenee the Conimit-
                               tee had pi,evjousl y heeri ordered to hold with a geritleman reeentiy arrived
                               froin Canada.  TIiis ~enlleman, a  natii-e of Canada, had beeri erigaged iii
                               the .4merican  Service since tlie apparance of American  forces in Canada.
                               His puryo..e  iii  ciimiiig  tii  thc  Coloriies  was  to  give  a  true picture  of  ~he
                               sjtuatiuri  aiid  to  iriforni  tlie  Ainerican  Corigress  of  the  attitude  amimg
                              the Cariadians towards  tIieir  qiiarrel  with  iIie  motIier  cou~itry.'~) Wbcn

                                   Wurilijnpt~n Cliaunçey  Ford,  ediror.  Journuls  of  the  Contiaentat  Congrrsr.
                                   1774.1 789  from  tlir  origiiial  records  in  tlie  Librÿry  nI  Congre33  (Wsshinpion:
                                   Gorernnieni  Prinring  OBce,  190Q). IV.  p.  118.
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