Page 157 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 157
decreed thak iii political matters he was the suprerne authority of his
judgments and coiicluoions. The battle for political siipremacy begun
with the Programme Catholique in 18'11 had hally eiided.iE2j Exhaust-
ed after so many convulsions which had threatened to deiitroy their
plaee iu Confederation and had endangered t1ie solid foundatiori of
their faith, ~he people ol Quebec turned to the task of recoiietruetiori.
Millstead, Auguat 31, 1958,
(02) DifficuIiies aroee over the Laurier-Greenway seitlement of the Maniioha
Scliools question in ilie faIl of 18%. Ronie sent aii Apostolic Delegaie who
brouglil pcace to [lie country and Iollorwd iliis niission with the EncYclical.
Ajari Vos piiblished in Janaary 1898. Thu~ ended the politico-relieious
coiiflicte of the iiineteerirh çentiiry.
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