Page 160 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 160

Council,  and  Chairman  of  the  Editorjal  Board.
                                               Mr.  Franklin A.  Walker, M.A., Ph.D.,  Secretary.
                                               Mr.  Conrad  Chartebois,  Secretary  of  the  French-s~eaking
                                       Papers  for  tlie  coming  ennnal  meeting  were  discussed  in  Borne
                                   detail.  lt  was  moved  by  Msgr.  Reid  and  neconded  by Mr.  Henry  that
                                   the  nexi  meeting  be  held  on  Wednesday  and  Thursday, September  11th
                                   and  12,  1957, at Loyola  College,  Montreal.  Motion  carried.
                                       It was moved  by Mr. Walker and aeconded by  Professor McDougaII
                                   that  Msgr.  Reid,  Dr.  E.  J. Mdlally  and  Mr.  T. P.  Slattery, Q.C.,  aii  of
                                   Montreal,  be appointed  a cornmittee to  arrange al1 deiaih for the annual
                                   meeting.  Motion  carried.
                                       It wafi moved  by  Mr.  Henry  and seconded by  Professor  McDougall
                                   that  a  letter  of  fiympath  be  sent from  the  Association  to  the widow  of
                                   the  lsre  Senabor  John 4. Hackett,  Q.C. Senator  Hackett  had  been  a
                                   mernber  of  ihe  Execulive  buiicil  of  our  Association.  Motion  carrjed,
                                       It was lnoved by  Msgr. Reid  and seconded by  Professor McDongall
                                  that  the Executive  express il6 appreciation to Rev.  John  McNeil, O.M.I.,
                                  for  his  services as Trcasurcr.  Motion  carried.
                                       It  was  moved  by  Msgr.  Reid  and  wconded  by  Mr.  Hcnry  that  the
                                  Exccutive  express  its  appreciation  to  the  Hon. George E.  Tritschler,  of
                                  Winnipeg,  for  his  success  in  obtaiiiin:  many  new  rnernbers  for  the
                                  Associatioii.  Motioii  carried.
                                      The  Sccretary  tabled  the followiiig  Report  from  Mr.  T.  P.  SLattery,
                                  Q.C., Treasurer :
                                      "Attached  is  a  statenicnt  showing  thc  ouly  financial  traneactions  1
                                  have made  since the  assumption 01 office as Trcasiircr,  heing  ~lic receipt
                                  and  dePoait  of  meinbcrship  fees  reccived:  bis shows  a  net  balance  of
                                  $50.65 in the new  accouut No.  7864 wwhich  1 opened.
                                      Father  McNeil  inforincd  me  on  August  21,  1956,  that  as  of  then
                                  in the General Aceount therc was 81,343.70, and al1  biUs up to convention
                                  time pajd.  ln the  Kenny  hlemorial  there was  $225.58.
                                      1 reccived  from  Father McNeil:
                                      $500.00  in  beurer  bonds  with  coupons as  the Reserve  Account;
                                      $650.00  in bearcr bonds  with  coupons as  the G.  E.  Clerk  Mernorial
                                  Fund;  and 1 am having thcse  bcarcr bonds rcgistered  in  the narne of  the
                                  Canadian  Catholic  H istorical  Aesociation.
                                      There  ja  also  an indication  from  Father McNeil of  two  other  bank
                                  balances :
                                      G. E.  Clerk  Bank  Account - Aug.  20,  19%:  $533.84
                                      Reserve Account:  Aug.  21,  1956:       $M.13
                                      The above  figures have not  been  cbeeked"
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