Page 159 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 159
Minutes of the business meeting
of the English-speaking Section
Canadian Catholic Historical Association
held at the
twenty-third Annual Meeting of the Canadian Hjstorical Association,
Chicoutimi, Quehec, in the aftemoon of August 15, 1956
The Secretary, Mr. Franklin A. Walker, was in tlie chair.
It was moved by Rev. F. J. Nelligan, S.J., and seconded hy Rev.
Frank Boland, C.S.B., tliat the next annuaI meeting of the Association
he held in Montreal. Motion carried.
It waa moved hy Rev. F. J. Neiligan, S.J., and seeonded by Mr.
Charles J. Henry, M.P., that Mr, T. P. Slattery, Q.C., he eleeted Treae-
urer, to succeed Rev. John McNeil, O.M.T., who had resigned. Motion
It was moved by Mr. Charles J. Henry, M.P., and seconded by Right
Rev. Msgr. Martin P. Reid, D.P., that Right Rev. Hugh J. Sorners,
Ph.D., President of St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova
Scotia, be elected Second Viee-President, to replace Mr. Murray G.
Brillantyne, who had resiped. Motion carried.
It waa movd by Rev. F. J. Nelligan, S.J., and seconded by Mr.
Arthur Monahan, Ph.D., that the Association express its eongratulations
to our President General, Ri~ht Rev. Martin P. Reid, D.P., who is
celebratjng bis Golden Jubilee as a priest. Motion carried.
Minutes of the executive meeting
of the English-speaking Section
Canadian Historical Association
Held Saturday, Oetober 20th
Csrr Hall, St. Miebael's CoUege,
Toronto, Ontario.
Prerent: Rigbt Rev. Msgr. Mmin P. Reid, D.P., President GeneraL
Mr. Charles J. Henry, M.P., First Vice-President.
Profwor D. J. MeDougaU, M.A., Member of Executive