Page 156 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 156
Le$ Communau~és de jenanaes sow le régime militaire. -
MT. Marcel Trudel. Laval Univeraity.
Other suhject. - Dr. Sylvjo teblond, Hôtel-Dieu, Chi-
cou tirni.
General meeting of members for the elmtion of officers.
Vi~it to the Archivea of "h Société Historique du Sague-
Visit to the Archives of "La Société Historique du Sague-
General meeijng of members for the election of officers.
8.30 P.M. Academic Hall, Chicoutimi Seminary.
Joint meeting of French and English Sections.
Chairman: His Excellency the hiost Reverend Marim Paré,
Auriliary Bishop of Chieoutirni.
Speaker: Canon Victor Tremblay, President, "Société Histo-
rique du Saguenay".
Notre-Damedu-Saguenay au cap Trinité.
8.ûûA.M. Mass for the deeeased itiemliere of the Canadjan CethoLie
Historical Association.
Cekbmnt: Canoii AIphonse Elzéar Tremblay, Superior of
thc Miitar Seiniiiary.
3.30 A.M. Joint session of both ~ections of the Canadian Catbolic
Historical Aseociation.
10.00 A.M. Morning session.
An Early Jeauif Mis~ionary in Sarclt-Sainte-Mark. -
Rev. Francis J. Nelligan, S.J., Toronto.
A leduit Journal in the Age of Enlightenmeni. - Rev.
Cyril O'Keefe, S.J., M.A., Toronto.