Page 266 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 266
HULL built the first brick dwelling house of consequence, in the
Bummer of 1842. This is still standing on the corner of Wiscon-
sin and and Jackson streets. Mr. CHARLES C. DEWEY built the
first block of three brick stores, in the summer of 1842. These
stores are still standing on East Wator street, known as the
Heide block. Mr. JOHN ~IUSTIS built the next, on the corner
of Chestnut and West Water streets. Mr. JAMES H. ROGERL~
built the next, in 1844, which was a block of three stories, and
,still standing. They were occupied in the fall of that year by
them is thc store now owned and occupied by H. BOSWORTII &
SONS. Mr. ROGERS also built the United States Hotel in
1845-6. This building was a great acquisition to the town at
the time, and reflected much credit upon the enterprise of its
builder. Mr. MARTIN'S block was built in 1849, and inaugu-
rated a new and better style of buildings. To follow the laying
up of brick, after this time, in this city of bricks, would be B
tedious work.
The firet vessel of any consequence built in the town, was
the #olomon Juneau. She was a fore and aft schooner, of 90
tons, and was built by GEORGE BARBER, for Mr. JUNEAU.-
This vessel was built above Division street, on the east side of
the river, on the site of LUDWIG'S garden, in the gear 1836.
The next was the schooner Ciianlpion, a top-sail of some 205
tons. She was built by Capt. SAMUEL FARMIN, for himself
and others, just below Walker's Point Bridge, in 1844. Capt.
GEO. BARBER laid the keel of the Jo Wad, near where SUT-
LER & BOWERS' livery stable is, in the spring of 1844.-
This vessel was of 217 tons, and was built for Mr. A. SWEET,
Capt HUMBLE built a vessel about this time, somewhere near
the Oneida street bridge, and from this time on an occasional
vessel was built. These vessels pursued a miscellaneous bnsi-
ness for a number of years, now going for a load of lumber, and