Page 262 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 262

                                  E. ARNOLD, opposite the Milwaukee Ilouse, and FRANCIS RAW-
                                  DALL,  over CARY & TAYLOR'S store.
                                     The physicians of that day mere :  Messrs.  Dr.  E. 13. WOL-
                                  COTT,  Dr.  PROUDFIT, Dr.  HEWETT, Dr. BARTLETT and  Dr.
                                    The Rev. LEMUEL HULL was  rector of  St. Paul's  Church ;
                                  the  Rev.  STEPIIEN PEET, of  the  Presbyterian  Church ; the
                                  Rev.  Mr.  BOWLES, of  the Methodist Episcopal,  and  Rev.  Mr.
                                  Father ~IORRISSEY, of the Catholic  Ch.urch.
                                    CYRUS HAWLEY was the Clerk of  the Court.
                                    RUFUS PARKS was Receiver, in an otlice on Main street, above
                                    Col.  MORTON was Register in Rogers'  block.
                                    DANIEL WELLS was  Deputy Sheriff.
                                    Gov.  FARWELL was  the  tinman, and  worked  at his  bench,
                                  with  CADY  & FARWELL.
                                    Mr.  CLARK SHEPARDSON the blacksmith, and worked at
                                  the anvil - his  shop  standing where the  Newhall  House  now
                                    Mr.  AMBROSE ELY was the shoe maker.
                                    C.  D. DAVIS was the livery keeper, near the Walker House.
                                    Col.  J~llrss MURRAY was  the  paint'er, next  to  OWEN ALD-
                                  ~~cn's meat market.
                                    ELISIIA STARR and GEO. 0. TIFFANY were stage men.
                                    MATTHEW  STEIN was gun smith, under the hill by the spring,
                                  now Market Square.
                                    GEORGE  DOUSMAN did storage and forwarding at his present
                                  place of business.
                                    DOWEY & MOSELY were  founders,  or1  the  site  of  the  water
                                  power,  and possibly TURTON & SERCOMB may have then been
                                  in business.
                                    I. A. LAPHAM was land agent in the If est Ward, andJos~uA
                                  HATHAWAY the East.
                                    B. 13. EDGERTON and GARRET VLIET were the surveyors.
                                    HARRISON REED, Esq.,  published the #entinel,  weekly, in a
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