Page 190 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 190


                                    out a scouting party of  Indians constantly  for ten  days, when
                                    we received an  express  from  Gen.  ATKINSON, directing that
                                     the Indian  Agent would  embody as many of  the Menomonees
                                     as could  be  spared from the Bay, and pursue BLACK  HAWK'B
                                    party.  Col.  STAMBAUCT~ assigned to the command of  this
                                     Indian corps,  aided  by Captains  GEORGE JOHNSON, and Au-
                                     Giusrrs  GRIGNON, A.  J.  IRWIN, Co1.  CHARLES TULLER,
                                     ROBERT GRIGNON, and  others.  At  the  Blue  Mounds  they
                                     learned that BLACK HAWK, with the  main body of  his follow-
                                     ers, were north  of  the  Wisconsin, and Gen. DODGE and others
                                     in pursuit;  and that a small party of the enemy had gone down
                                     the river.  Col.  STAMBAUQII pursued the latter, and overtook
                                     a small band, attacked and defeated them a short distance from
                                     Cassville.  While on this trip,  STAMBAUGE'S party captured a
                                     small Indian girl, took her to Green Bay, and placed her in the
                                     Mission  School,  where she remained about a year.  She would
                                     not  learn, and ate but little,  became  feeble and emaciated, and
                                     they had to send her back to her people to save her life.
                                       In 1834, I think, the first Land  Office was opened at Mineral
                                     Point;  and,  in 1836, a Land  Office  was  established at Green
                                     Bay, with  SAMUEL  W.  BEALL as Receiver, and  Col.  WM. B.
                                     SLAUGHTER Register.  At the first  sale of  lands at Green
                                     Bay, there  was  a  great  rush  to  purchase,  mostly  from  Mil-
                                     waukee and Chicago.  A  Land  Office was  established  at Mil-
                                     waukee in 1837 or  '38,  and  most of  the land  near Milmaukee
                                     mas soon sold.  SOLOMON JUNEAU built  the  first frame-house
                                     in M~lwilukee, and did  the first  grading ever  done there.  He
                                     selected four fine lots, erected  a  Court House on the property,
                                     and  generously  presented  the  whole  to  the  County.  There
                                     was.a  great  rush  of  adventurers  to  Milwaukee  at  this early
                                     period-GEO.  H.  WALKER, BYROX I~ILBOURN, HANS CROCK-
                                     ER,  E, STARR,  H. N.  WELLS, D.  A. J. UPUAM, WILLIAM
                                     BROWN,  GEORGE DOUSMAN, bIr, VLIET, and many others.
                                       At this period,  other towns  ;started into existence.  Capt.
                                     GILBERT I<NAPP commenced  at Racine; JOUN BULLEN, CHAS.
                                     DuR~~.~E, others  took the lead  at  Southport, now  better
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