Page 186 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 186

                                    Government gave up the chase, and sent agents into the Miners1
                                    Country  to  collect  a  certain  per  cent.  on  all  lead  dug  ad
                                      In 1820, I was appointed sheriff  of  Brown  County under the
                                    following circumstances:  The Unitcd  Statcs' court was held at
                                    Green  Bay,  in  a  log  shanty;  the  grand jury  holding their
                                    deliberations in the same room.  'There was  then no trouble of
                                    seeking a private room;  everything was done openly and above
                                    board.  GEORGE JOHNSON was  the  first  sheriff;  but  when
                                    ROBERT IRWIN,  represented Brown  county in  the Terri-
                                    torial Legislature of  Michigan, he procured the appointment of
                                    his father, ROBERT IRWIN, Sen., as sheriff  in  place  of  JOHW-
                                    SON.  IRWIN twenty (lays, according to law, after receiving
                                    his appointment, in which  to  qual~fy; but a few days after the
                                    arrival of  his appointment, a man  by the name of  HEMPSTEAD
                                    was to be hung for murder, and  Maj.  IRWIN refused to qualify
                                    before the culprit was executed,  as he did not wish to signalize
                                    his  advent  into  office  by  hanging  a  fellow-being.  JOIINSOW
                                    refused to serve in this  case, for  he had been  sheriff  a number
                                    of  years, and  had not  beforo  been  called  on  to execute a man
                                    for a capital offence, and he declared that his last act should not
                                    be one of  that character.  Thus mas  Judge DOTY left without
                                    a sheriff to  execute the  sentences of  the court.  I was,  at this
                                    period,  residing  at  Grand  I<akalin,  and  received  a  message
                                    from Judge  DOTY, desiring  my immediate  presence at Green
                                    Bay,  as  he  had  no  sheriff,  and  was  empowered  to  fill  any
                                    vacancy,  and  wished  me  to  accept  of  it.   I  acc~rdingly
                                    repaired  to  Green  Bay,  received  my  appointment,  gave bail,
                                    and qualified, before  the middle of  the  day, and  led  the pris-
                                    oner to the scaffold at 1 o'clock,  P. h1.
                                      Brown  county  was  then  very  large,  embracing  the  whole
                                    region from the  Illinois State  line  to  Mackinaw,  and west rn
                                    far as the  center  of  the  portage  of  the  Fox  and Wisconsin
                                    rivers;  Crawford  county embracing all the  country north  and
                                    west of  the portage  to the  Mississippi,  including  most of  the
                                    Lead Region.  I held the office of  sheriff  under  Judge DOTY'E
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