Page 192 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 192


                                  gation  lodged in  one room,  about  fifteen by  twenty  feet, and
                                  our lobby friends roomed with us.  Our beds were all full, and
                                  the  floor  well-spread  with blankets and  over-coats  for lodging
                                  purposes.  The session  lasted  till the 9th  of  December,  At
                                  that session a,  bill passed  locating  the  seat  of  government  at
                                  Madison;  but the Legislature  appointed  Burlington,  in lowa,
                                  as the place of  the  meeting  of  the  next  session, until  proper
                                  buildings  could be  erected at Madison.
                                    A majority  of  the  members  from  Wisconsin  proper  were
                                  opposed to  making,  at that time,  a  permanent  location of  the
                                  seat of  government;  we  contended for a temporary location  at
                                  Green Bay or Milwaukee, or any other place, until the country
                                  should become more settled.  We contended that the members
                                  representing the  region  west  of  the  Mississippi,  though  they
                                  had a  legal  right,  yet  they  liad  no  just  right  to  vote on and
                                  determine  the permanent  seat  of  government  for  Wisconsin
                                  Territory,  as  they  expected soon to  be  set off  into a separate
                                  Territory  of  their  own-as   they  were  in  1838.  I labored
                                  hard to prevent a permanent locatiori at that session;  but those
                                  who  favored  the  measure  from  Wisconsin  proper  had  some
                                   interest in  Madison,  and the  members  from  the west  side of
                                  the Mississippi mere bought  up to go for  Madison.  Thus the
                                   measure  was  carried  by a  small  majority.  As  soon  as  the
                                   Governor signed the bill,  there nas  a great rush  for the Land
                                   Office at  Mineral Point, to purchaso land  in the neighborhood
                                   of  the newly located capital.  The  town plat of  Madison  was
                                   divided into  t~enty shares;  I was  offered  one  share  for the
                                   small sum of  two  hundred  dollars--I  presume  that  was done,
                                   thinking,  if  I accepted  it,  that  I ~lrould vote  for  Madison for
                                   the capital;  I rejected  the  offer  with  disgust,  and  felt better
                                   satisfied than  I should  to have  sold  myself  for  the  twentieth
                                   part of  Madison.  When I returned to  Green Bay, my friends
                                   were well pleased with the course that I had taken.
                                     The year i837 brought  with it a large increase to  the popu-
                                   lation in all  parts  of  the  Territorg.  Early in  November the
                                   Legislature met at Burlington,  and held  a session of  some ten
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