Page 274 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
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the Middle Ages was  regarded  as a  the ' mon '. This  is  a  design  which
                               place  of  pilgrimage  for  both  men  is  generally,  but  by  no  means
                                                                aiways,  circular  in  shape  and
                               and  women.
                                                                which  is  frequently  based  on  the
                                                                blossom of  one of  the many  flowers
                                                                growing in Japan.
                                                                Jenisalem  -  The  capitaI  of  the
                                                                Latin  Kingdom,  Jerusalem  which
                                                                was  captured  from  the  Moslems
                                                                during  the  first  crusade  but  lost
                               Inn  Signs - The Middle Ages  and
                                                                again  in  1187.  Richard  1 carne
                               Heraldry  in  general  are  constantly
                                                                within  striking distance of  it during
                               illustrated in many of  the varie. Inn
                                                                the  third  cmsade  but  owing  to  the
                               Signs  of  England,  examples  being
                                                                insuficient  six  of  his  army  was
                               ' The  Trip to  Jerusalem '  and  the
                                                                cornpelled  to  refrain  from  trying
                               many  Saracen's  and  Turk's  Heads,
                                                                to  retake  the  city.  It  was  tempor-
                               reminding  one  of  the  days  of  the
                                                                ariIy  recovered  again  in  1222  but
                               crusades,  others  include  the  BIack
                                                                was  lost  again  15  years  later,  and
                               Prince,  George  and  Dragon,  the
                                                                it was nearly 700 years later, during
                               Castle, The Five Arrows  etc.
                                                                the  first World  War, before the city
                                 Others  incorporate  the  arms  of
                                                                was  enrered  again  by  a  Christian
                               some  of  the  more  famous  English
                               families such as the Granville Arms.
                               the  Abergavenny  Arms,  The  ~arl Joan of Arc - Who was  sometimes
                               of  March,  etc.  Others  are  named  known  as  the Maid  of  Orleans was
                               after the  various  Royal badges,  in-  perhaps  France's  best  known  figure
                               cluding  the  Swan,  the  White Hart.  of  the  Hundred  Years  War.  She
                               the  Lion.  the  Lion  and  Unicorn,  claimed  that  she  had  a divine mis-
                               the  Red  Dragon,  etc.
                                                                sion  to  lead  the  armies  of  France
                                                                to  vicrory.  InitialIy  she was  looked
                               Itaiian Course - A  form  of  tourna-  upon  with  complete  scorn  but  her
                               ment  run  with  a  central  barrier  simplicity,  directness  and  complete
                               which  was  constructed  of  wood  sincerity  eventuaIty  overcame  the
                               sonie  five  feet  in  height.  The  doubters  and  the  King gave  her  a
                               Knights  rode  on  either  side,  left  rnilitary  entourage.  On  the  27th
                               Iland  to  left  hand.  Originally  the  April  1429  she  left  Blois  to  keep
                               object  was  to  unhorse  one's  adver-  ber  promise  which  was  to raise  the
                               sary  but  later  the  system  was  siege  of  Orleans.  It  was  a  strongly
                               devised  that  only  the  shivering  of  fortified  place  which  had  been
                               one's  lance on his shield  or amour  under siege by the English for many
                               scored  winning points.          months and was reaching a stage of
                                                                desperation  for  Jack  of  food  and
                                                                water. On the 29th April she crossed
                                                                a flooded  river  and with  a force of
                                                                about 200 lances and carrying quan-
                                              J                 tities  of provisions she rode straight
                                                                through  the  English  lines  hto
                                                                Orleans.  Naturally  this  raised  the
                               Japanese Mon - Almosl  al1  of  che  morale  of  the  French  and  approxi-
                               better  class  families  in  Japan  use  mately a week 1ater.she launched  an
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