Page 270 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 270

CUdren's  Cmsade - A  disastrous  consisting  of  approximately  40,000
                               expedition undertaken  by thousands  Knights.  men  at arms  and  archers,
                               of  French  and  German  children  in  attacked  and  were  defeated  by  an
                               an effort  to rescue  the  Holy  Land.  English force consisting of  13,000 of
                               The  crusade  was  preached  by  whom  about  3,000  wexe  Knights
                               Stephen  a  12-year-old  boy  who  and men-at-arms and the remainder
                               promis4 his followers that the seas  archers.
                               would  dry  up before  them,  as they
                                                                  The success of the battle  was due
                               had  done  before  the  Israelites.  By  to  the  rigid  discipline  exercised  by
                               the  end  of  1212  approximately  the English  army as compared  with
                               30,000 children  of  the age of  12 or  the  complete  indiscipline  of  thc
                               less had  gathered  at Vêndome  and  French.
                               accompanied  by  a  few Priests  they
                               slarted  their  southerly  trek  with  Crnsad&  - The name given  to  the
                               Stephen their leader riding in a cart  military  expeditions  carried  out  by
                               covered  by  a  canopy  to shelter  him  the  Christian  countries  for  the
                               £rom the blazing  sunshine.
                                                                recovery of  the Holy Land from  ti~e
                                 Before  long,  due  to  shortage  of
                               water  and  food, many  had  dropped
                                                                  Then  rhere  were  a  number  of
                               out.  At  Marseilles  the  remainder  small  and  insignificant  expeditions
                               were  disappointed  to  find  that  the  eight  of  which  are generally  distin-
                               seas  remained  stubbornly  impass-  guished  by  the  name Crusade.  The
                               able. However, two merchants hired  Grst, from  1096-1100,  was  the  only
                               a total of 7 ships to take the children  expedition  which  could  be  temed
                               to  the  Holy  Land.  After  they  had  successful and which  resulted  in the
                               sailed  nothing  more  was  heard  of
                               them  for a  period  of  20  years when  that  led  by  St.  Louis,  King  of
                               the  news  gradually  leaked  out  that  France  1270-72.  The  most  impor-
                               rwo  of  the  ships had  been  wrecked  tant  from the English  point  of  view
                               off  Sardinia  and  the  remaining  5  was  the  third  crusade  led  by
                               captured  by  a  Saracen  squadron  Richard  1.
                               and the chiIdren  soId  to slavery.
                               Concentric Castie - A  type  of  fort-
                               ress  popular  in  the  late  13th  and
                               early  14th  centuries,  consisting  of
                               an outer and inner ring of  defences.
                              Harlech  and  Caerphilly  are  two  of   capture of  Jerusalem.  The  Iast  was
                               the   more   famous    surviving  Edward 1, 1239-1307 - 1s generally
                               examples.                        looked  upon  as  one of  the  greatest
                                                                soIdier Kings of  England. He was  a
                               Council  of  Westminster  -  Sm- very  ta11  man  and  his  great  length
                               moned  by Ansel in  1102. One of its  of leg earned  liim  the  nickname  of
                               important   decisions   was   that  ' Longshanks'.  He  was  famous  in
                               Bishops  and  Abbots  would  cease  the tournament and as a hunter,.yet
                               from  having  the  power  to  make  he loved music. poetry and chess. In
                               knights.                         1271  he  joined  the  crusade  defeat-
                                                                ing the Saracens at Haifa  where  he
                               *y    - Fought  on  the  26th  and  made  a  ten  year  truce.  He  was
                              27th  of  Augiist  1346  when  the  accompanied  on  the  expedition  by
                               chivalry  of  France under  Philip VI.  his wife EIeanor  of  Castile who was
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