Page 257 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 257

Two Handed Sword - A  very large  designeci for huge, horizontal cutting
                               type  of  sword  popular  during  the  sweeps. The grip was elongated  and
                               15th  century.  Tts  size  and  weight  the  blade  was  generally  over  four
                               necessitated  the  use  of  both  hands  feet  in  lengih,  though  some  speci-
                               to  wield  it. It  could  not  be  used  in  mens  have  been  found  up  to  six
                               close formations  and  was  generally  feet over all.
                                                        Two-handed  Sword
                                                                cover  the  defences  of  the  whole
                                                                Vamplate - The circular  disc  used
                                                                to protect  the hand  on  the  shaft  of
                                                                a lance.  It  did  not  appear  until  the
                                                                early  15th  century.
                                                                Velvet  Covering  - About  1400  it
                               Upper Canon - A name given  occa-  was  the  custom  in  ItaIy  to  cover
                               sionally to the pair  of  plates  enclos-  the  body  defences  with  a  short
                               ing the upper arm. similarly the pair  velvet  jacket  rather  simiiar  to  the
                               for the  forearm  were  known  as  the  jupon  but  not  decorated  with  any
                               Lower Canon.
                                                                form  of  armorial  bearings.
                                                                Ventail  - See Aventail.
                                                                Vizor,  Visor  - The  name  covcring
                                                                various  types  of  defence  for  the
                                                                front of  the face. It was first seen in
                                                                the  gladiators'  helmets  during  the
                                                                1st century.  It  was  not  used  by  the
                                                                Normans  who  preferred  the  nasal
                               Vambrace  - The  name  originally  and  the  aventail.  It  was,  however,
                               applied  to  the  frontal  plates  on  reintroduced  during  the  14th  cen-
                               both  the  upper  and  lower  arm.  A  tury.
                               little  later  it  was  appUed  to  bot11   There  werc  many  types  and
                               front and  rear plates of  the forearm,  shapes of  the vizor but basically the
                               and  finally  the  name  was  given  to  mechanics  were  the  same  in  each
                                                      Lances  with  Vamplates
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