Page 252 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 252

Saddlebow - The  front  part  of  a  Saxe or Scrammer Saxe - The sword
                                saddle  which  during  the  12th  cen-  used  by  the  Franks  which  had  a
                                tury  was  developed  in  height  thus  single cutting edge but a very sharp
                                protecting  the  rider  and  assisting  point.
                                him  to resist the shock of  any blows
                                made  at him.
                                                                 Scabbard - The cover for  sword  or
                                Saddle Tree  - The wooden  frame-
                                work  of  the  saddle.
                                                                 Scale Armoar  - Refers  in  general
                                                                 to al1 types of  armour of  which the
                                                                 make-up is prirnarily  of  S~T'E~I] scale~
                                Salade Helmet  - Somethes called
                                                                 of  metal.
                                Sallet. A popular  helmet  at the end
                                of  the 15th century. Tt rested entirely
                                on  the  head  and  was  not  attacbed  Scalmg Fork  - A  particularly  long
                                to  the  body  amour.  There  were  shafted  weapon  with  prominent
                                various  shapes,  but  the  later  types  hooks, sornetimes carried  on scaling
                                                                 ladders  for  the purpose  of  dragging
                                al1 carried  a movabIe visor.
                                                                 defenders  from  the  battlementç.
                                Samurai - A class of  Japanese pro-
                                fessional swordsmen  who came into  Schyribald  - Long  strips  of  plate
                                being during the  12th century.   covering  the  iront  of  the  chausses.
                                                                 Tntroduced about 1350.
                                Saracenic  Amour - A  mixture  of
                                mail  and  subsidiary pieces  of  plate,  Scimitar - A curving sword,  gener-
                                in  some  cases  the  plate  being  in-  ally broader towards the point, with
                                serted  in  the  mail.  There  was  very  a  single cutting  edge  on  the convex
                                little change in  this armour between  side.
                                the  time  of  the  Iater  crusades  and
                                when the British fought in the Sudan  Scntnm  - A  large  square,  curvçd
                                in  1898.                        type of Roman shield on which they
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