Page 207 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 207

Goodwin  Banks  J.P.  of  Kanturk
                                                                House,  b.  8th  Decernber  1739;  m.
                                                                Mary  Allan  (whose  family  had
                                                                property  near  Kanturk,  Co.  Cork),
                                     BANKS  CEART  1.
                                                                and  had  issue:
                                                                1.  George.
                              Richard  Banks  (of  the  ancient
                              family  of  Banks,  Barons  of  Bally-  2.  Richard,  Major  North  Cork
                              hauris)  of  Kanturk  House  and
                              Springfort  Co.  Cork Temp. Charles
                                                                3,  J
                              II m.  Miss Butler  and  had  issue,
                                                                4. Goodwin,  Major  31st  Regt.
                               1.  John b.  22nd  January  1687.
                                                                The eldest  son.
                              2. Janles  b.  22nd  November  1692.  George  Banks,  J.P.  of  Glannanore,
                                                                Castletown  Roche,  near  Fermoy,
                                                                    cork; ,,,,
                              3.  William  b. 23rd November  1694.
                                                                              1791  M~~~ dau,  of
                                                                Rev.  Edward  Delaney.  Rector  of
                              4. Richard  of  whom  presently.
                                                                Diocese  of  Clovne  and  d.  29th
                               1. Sarah b. 1st October  1696.
                                                                January  1830 having  had  issue  by
                              2.  Mary  b.  3rd  July  1698.
                                                                her  (who  d. 22nd  May  1837) four
                              The 4th  Son.
                              Richard  Banks  of  Kanturk  House  sons and  five daus.
                              and  Springfo*  b.  16th  July  1703
                                                                1  James  George  (Rev)  of  Glann,
                              m.  Jane  dau.  of  Richard  Goodwin
                                                                Vicar  of  Worminghall,  co.  ~
                              of  Coomhool~ and  Reindesart,  Co.
                                                                ingham; m. 17tli AprZ 1820, htitia,
                              Cork and had  issue, seven  SORS and
                                                                dau. of Francis Talbot (of the Wex-
                              two  daus.
                                                                ford  Talbots)  of  Foxboro  House.
                               1.  Richard  (Rev)  b.  1728.  Scholar  King's  Co..  by Mary his wife, widow
                                Trinity  Coll.  Dublin  1747,  m.  of  Robert Norton, K.C. and dau. of
                                1762  Catherine  Grove  of  Bully  John  EifFe,  and  d.  7th  November
                                Rimmock,  Co.  Cork  and  d.s.p.  1843  having  by  her  had  issue.
                                12th August 1797.
                                                                l(a) George, his heir b. 12th January
                              2.  Wjlliam b. 20th September  1730:
                                                                  1827;  m.  Eliza  Hamilton  and
                                                                  d.s.p. 18th September  1871.
                                d.  at St. Helena  16th 3une  1753.
                              3.  Percival b. 23rd September 1731;  2(a)  Francis Talbot  (Rev),  Vimr of
                                killed  at the Storming of  Bellisle.  Edstaston,  Co.  Salop  b.  30th
                                                                January 1833; m. 5th Octoùer 1858,   ~  k   -
                              4.  James  b.  5th  June  1733; d. 5th   Fanny Jane dau. of  Edward Keane,
                                October  1801.
                                                                Capt.  R.N.  by  Sarah  Ladd  Peake
                              5, John  b.  12th  May  1735;  d.  in  his wife and grand  dau.  of  Michael
                                Portugal 29th August  1759.     Keane, uncle of  1st Lord Keane and
                                                                had  issue.
                              6. Thomas  b.  3rd  June  1738;  d.
                                24th July  1775.                l.(b) James  Edward  b.  20th  April
                              7.  Goodwin  b.  8th Decernber  1739.
                                                                2.(b)  John  Norton  b.  20th  Novem-
                               1.  Catherine  b.  10th July  1732.
                                                                  ber  1870.
                              2.  Mary b.  18th May 1734.
                                                                l.(b) Letitia  Sarah,  b.  1st  January
                              The  youngest  Son.                 1860;  m.  3rd  July  1883  Rev.
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