Page 206 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 206

is  headed  A, B.  C, etc. and  beside  tion given and on the personal whim
                              the  chart a  iist of  notes  should  be  of  the  narrator.
                              set  out  to  incIude  information  not
                              given  on  the chart.
                                When  one  is  .collecting  material
                              to make up the details of  a pedigree,
                              one  will  always  acquire  many  Zambia -
                              interesting  additional  scraps  of  in-  Northern Rhodesia. The filled  regis-
                              formation with regard to ones ances-  ters are deposited with the Registrar
                              tors.  This  wilI  always  be  of  great  General,  Lusaka  and  date  froni
                              interest to later generations and un-  1902.  Some of  the  records  of  the
                              less preserved it is the sort of  infor-  British  South  Africa  Company  dat-
                              mation  which  easily  becomes  lost.  ing  back  to  1898  have  also  been
                              This  should  be  collected  and  may  prese~ed.
                              either  be  set  out  in  the  form  of  Nyasaland.  Records  of  marriages
                              legend notes at the foot of  the chart  have  been  kept  from  1903  and
                              or  may  be  written  up  in  narrative  births  and  deaths from  1904. There
                              form  as a  separate  document.  The  are  available  from  "the  Registrar
                              system  decided  upon  will  depend  General,  Births,  Marriages  and
                              largely  on  the  amount  of  inforrna-  Deaths  at Zambia.
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