Page 100 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 100

                                                               Diminutives  of  the  pale  consist  of:
                                                                 (a) Pallets. These are a number of
                                                               smaller  segments  each  approxi-
                                                               matelv  4  the  width  of  the  wale,
                                                              spaced  s8 that the remaioder  oj the
                                                               field  is  divided  roughly  into  equal
                                   Barrulets  (Bars gemellw)
                               (c) Fess  cotissed.  Here  a  normal
                             fess  js  employed  with  a  barrulet
                             on either side leaving a srnall section
                             of  the  field  showing berween.
                                                                (b)  Pale  endorsed.  The  expres-
                                                              with  the  fess  but  the  term  endorse
                                                              is  used  for  the  pale  and  it  irnplies
                                                              a  srnaIl section on either side of the
                                                              pale with the fieId showing between.
                                       Fess  cotissed
                               (d)  Fess  double  cotissed.  Shilar
                             to fess cotissed but  with  two  barru-
                             lets  on  either side.
                               3.  The  pale.  A  vertical  section
                             drawn  through  the  fess  point  con-
                             taining from  j to & the width of  the
                             shield  in  the cenlre of  the shield.   sion  irnplies  the  same  as  cotissed
                                                                        Pale  endorsed
                                                                4.  The Bend  and  the Bend  Sinis-
                                                              ter. The bend  is  a part of  the  shield
                                                              contained  by  two  diagonal  lines
                                                              from  dexter  chjef  to  sinister  base.
                                                                Diminutives  of  the  bend  consist
                                           Paie               of:
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