Page 10 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 10
S12. (white stone) In Menory of/ /In death lamented.
JACOB,/SON OF/Robert 6 Catharine
/Scharf,/Died July 30, 1868/ ANIU' DRADLEY/Dled/Jan. 24T:i.
Aged 14 Y'rs. & 7 M's./Why 1889/AE. 35 Yrs./Eldest Cac.
should we tremble to convey/ of/T. & !I. Bradley./She's ~sce
His body to the tomb?/Twas to dwellmith Saints abo:'e/;nd
there the flesh of ~esus lay/ rest in Godqs/Eternal love. /
And left a long perfume. BRADLEY.
- S13. (white stone) To/the Memory S17. IN MEMORY OF/ANDREW SCz:P.?rE/
1855-1937. /HIS WIFE/AN:i ;AXE
SCI~AR!., hiho Cled/February. 3, NIXON/l~57-1931/Da~~h:~:s/
1861,/Aqed. 9. Years,/& 3 I-IIF!A J./lP82-191?/;?&1,.9: :'!%":
Monthn./J. Essex/Occawa. (note: /1900-1924./SC!iAhSt'.
Essex is the stone cutter)
JLYES A. SCHAPfE/l884-1967,'
S14. (white stcmnel To/the Memory/of/ HIS V:IFE/JANE A. IIFaYIL~C:;/
LYDIA/The beloved dayhter (sic) 1892-1950.
Who-died/March. 7. 1865/Aged 2
Years/&/7 Konths./J. Essex/ -
- - - - . . - .
nt taw.=
S15. (white stone with carvins at /WIFE OF ROGERT SCHARF/ZIrlZ
top of hand holding open book NOV. 28, 1906, AGEC 64 YEA?:./
inscribed "Have faith/in God". ROBERT SCHARF/DIED OCT. 12,
This tone has been broken above 1912/AGED 91 YRS. /SCKLIRr'.
the word "Hattie" and repaired
with two iron bars, but has 319. (white column) Susannab.:
since broken again between the Burroughs/Wife of/Nathaniel
inscription and the verse; the Scharf,/Died/Apr. 3, 1€97/AE.
top half is lying loose, lean- . 62 Yrs./Gone before/SCHAW.
in9 against the remainder) JOHN
BURROUGHS/Died Sept. 19, 1867./ S2O. (white stone in form of an
AE. 85 Yrs./Also his first Wife/ oval tablet set in a sxall
HATTIE/Died Jan, 1838/AE. 56 simulated cairn of stone
Yrs./God gave,--he took,--he surmounted by veil) LILESA/
will restore/He doeth all things DIED/May 15, 1876/AE. 1 yr. &
well./W, McFarlane,/Ottawa. 9 Ms./Also infant brother/
(note: McFarlane was the stone Asleep in Jesus/Children of
cutter) N & S Scharf.
516. (column surmounted by urn) S21. In/memory of/ELISHA SCK%RF/
THOMAS BRADLEY/Died/Nov. 28th Died/May 30, 1898/Aged/23 Yrs.
1865/~E. 42 yrs./Farewell my & 5 Mos.,Weep not but follow
wife and/Children all/From you me. /SCHARF.
a father/Christ doth call.
Canadian Granite Co.
MARY McELHERON/Beloved wife of/
Thomas Bradley/Died/Sept. 23RD S22. In Loving Memory/of/J>XES
1881/AE. 50 Yrs./In life beloved SCHARF/DIED/MAY 27, 1878, /AGED
52 YRS./Bertha/April 27 1919/