Page 44 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 44
A. List of emigrant settlers from the South of Ireland, embarked on board of the
Hebe transport for passage to Quebec. Cove of Gork, 8th July 1823.
[PAC, reel 8-885, C.O. 34/12, ff97-1021
Names Above 14 Under 14 Former Residence
Robert Armstrong 1 Killfinan Limerick
Margaret Armstrong 1
Jane Armstrong 1
Fanny Armstrong 1
Sophia Armstrong 1
Rebecca Armstrong 1
ELi~abeth Armstrong 1
Thomas Armstrong 1
John McCarty 1
Nelly HcCarty 1
John Sullivan 1 Doneraile Cork
Mary Sullivan 1
Bess Sulli~n 1
John Sullivan 1
Mary Sullivan
H [Sic; Sullivan
Margaret Sullivan
John Dohorthy Churchtow Cork
Jude Dohorthy, wife
Pat Dohorthy
Edward Dohorthy
Daniel Dohorthy
Hichael Horan nallov
Francis Jessop Killfinan
Jeremiah Scanlon Charleville Cork
Timothy Uaun
Joanna Ham
James Haw
Bridget Maun
Martin Uaun 1
Hichael White 1 Clogheen Tipperary
James White 1 [later:] Left at Murphy's Falls;
John Colbert 1 alias James Hara
Richard Welsh 1
Francess Welsh 1
Arne Welsh 1
Mary Welsh 1
John Berkley (Bukley)? 1 Room Limerick
Pat Rourke 1 Nercastle Limerick
Ellen Rourke 1
Pat Donaghue 1