Page 42 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 42
Additional Materials Concerning the
Peter Robinson Settlers of 1823
A. "List of emigrant settlers from the South of Ireland embarked
on board of the Hebe transport for passage to Quebec",
8th July, 1823.
6. "List of emigrant settlers fram the South of Ireland embarked
on board of the Stakesby transport for passage to Quebec";
8th July, 1823.
C. [Locations of] migrants fram the South of lreland located
in Canada by Mr. Robinson.
D. Return of Irish emigrants, 14th March 1826: Report fram the
Select Caramittee on emigration from the United Kingdom.
[~ritish Parliamentary Paper].
E. Extracts of probable Roman Catholic names in Huntley from
nominal roll of First Carletan Regiment of Militia,
December 24th, 1828.