Page 207 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 207

                                 ST.  THOMfS  IINGLICIi;';  CHURCH  CEPETFliY - ST>XLEYtS CORNERS
                 LACKEY  (conttd) -                                I.lcCAFE3Y  (contt d) -

                    George  H.                          133          3~me
                    J.  Albert  (Rev. )                 110          Jane
                    Marcilla  Vaughan,  wife  of  J.                 Joseph
                      Ubert                             110          Mary  Hanna,  wife  of  James
                    Margaret  Healey.,  wife  of.                    William  H.
                      Avreal  C.                         42
                    Mary  hn                            109       McCAFEIEY -
                    Rc~bert                              42          Adeline
                    Willie                               42          h
                    'dmhn. Johnston  (Infant)           116          Charles
                                                                     ~   -   ~-
                 UCKY -                                              Earl  K.                            114
                    Avreal  G.                                       Fduin  H.                           117
                    Ellen  Johnson,  wife  of  hvreal                Eliza                                25
                 LEMOINE  -                                          Fliza  J.  Cathcart,  wife  of  GEO.  102
                                                                     Pliza  Jane  Thompson,  wife  of
                    R.                                                 John                              114
                                                                     Francis                             101
                 LEWE  -                                             Francis  J.                          2 7
                    Almina  May  Bradley,  wife  of                  Georg~.                             102
                      Charles  H.                                    Gladys  Healey,  wife  of  James
                    Ann Foster,  wife  of  James                       William                           127
                    Baby                                             Laura .R.  Seabro~ke~wife
                    Beatrice  I.                                      ' Robert  T.                       115
                    bharles  H.                                      Jane '                               30
                    Edward  Albert                                   James  Dclmer                       138
                    Ellen,  wife  of  John                           James  William                      127
                    Emm  Doraty,  wifd 'of  John  A.                 John                       .  .     114
                    Isabella                                         Margaret  Freeman,  wife of
                    James                                              James  Delwr                      138
                    Jane  A.                                         Mary  Unn                   .  .     36
                    John                                             Mary  Ann  Dawson,  wife  of  Thos.  13
                    Joh?  A.               .  .                      Mary  Jinkinson,  wife  of  Thos.    87
                 LO'IELL  -                                          Mary  W.  kaley,  wife  of  Edwin  117
                                                                     M.  Eric
                    Lewis  C.                                        Osler  Herbert                      119
                                                                     Rebecca  Dawson,  wife  of  Samuel  27
                 L4AY -                                              Robert                               l.4
                    Fannie  E.                                       kobert  T.                          115
                    Francis  Ellard,  wife  of  John                 Samuel                               27
                    John                                             Thomas                               13
                    Fl3ry                                            Thomas  H.                           87
                 MATTI~GLY -                                       McCJIFrmY -
                    Joseph                                           AM
                    Margaret  Moore  (Grey, wife  of                 Lancelott
                    Sarah  J.                                      ItcLINTON  -
                    Wm.  John                                        Ethel N.

                 McCAF'FERY -                                      McCOY  -
                    Charles                               5           Alfred  N.                          120
                    Eliza                                 5          Ethel  M.  McLinton,  uif'~ of  Geo.  125
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