Page 202 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 202
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(formerly Rathwelll s Corners)
The Cemetery is located on the W* of Lot 22, Concession 8, in the
Township of Goulbourn, in the County of Carleton, to the south of the
'9th Line of Goulbourn, on the Old Huntley Road now known as County Road
IJo. 5.
As early as the 186G's, the little community of an hotel, store, black-
smith and shoemaker was known as Rathwell's Corners.
Rurials in the cemetery were rnade as early as 1858 and 1859. It was
,around the turn of the century that burial reoords started to use the
terms "Stanleyls Corners" or "St. Thomas Church."
1311 April a, 1866, an agreement was rnade whereby Thomas McCaffrey deeded
$ aore of land oomprising of the W$ of Lot 22, Concession 8, in the
Township of Goulbourn, to James Lewis and Averil C. Lackey, the Church
Wardens, for the purposes of building a church' adjoining burial
grounds. In 1873, the Right Reverend John Travers Lewis, D.D., L.L.D.,
performed the rite of consecration on the building LO be known as
t. Thomas Church, the Mother Church being St. John's in Richmond, in
the Diooese of Ontario (to become the Diocese of Dttawa on April 7, 1896.
The Cemetery was also consecrated at this time.
On Kay a, 1905, a Deed of Land was executed by Francis PIcCaffrey (the
son of Thomas McCaffrey) .to Charles Saddington, Rector of the Parish
of Richmond, and John G. NcGuire, Yeoman, and Richard Neil, Slaoksmith,
the Church Wardens, in consideration of the sum of ,$lC.ClC, the land
being composed of part of the R$ of the W$ of Lot 22, Concession 8,
:in the Township of Goulbourn, such land to be used for the extension of
l;h~: burial grounds.
Oh January 3, 19k9, a Deed' of Land was executed by Francis Hamet
P4cCaffrey (the son of Francis Mc~affre~) to the Rector and Church
'dardens of part of the W$ of the RS of the said Lot 22 for an additional
paroel of land. The land was consecrated by the Rt. Rev. Robert
Jefferson, Lord Bishop of Ottawa, for this extension to the Cemetery
under Petition for Consecration date6 June 26, 19k9.
On June 26, l%kJ the church was struck by lightning and destroyed by
e . The gutted building remained standing until August 1969 when it
was sold by public auction to Mr. Emery Smith, onp of the parishioners.
A pile of rubble' was the or;l:r landmark to remain until June 1973 when
a memorial was placed inside the gate entrance which reads -
PROPIIYT~ BE LA This Memorial Commemorates The Site Of
rmM rmrrca.owrmrpm St. Thomas' Church - Stanley's Corners
Q ‘ U tl ~r ri* Anglican Church of Canada
The United ~hurih-of vigland & Ireland
Built in 1866.
Destroyed By Fire June 26, 1%k