Page 152 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 152

JANSSON HILDA-W; L-Matti Jansson; Dec. 15,1902 - Dec. 12,1986 (LEVATKA.4).  60
                  Hilda-W; Dec. 3, 1904 - Apr.  1 1, 1987 (Rauhassa)

                  JANSSON L-MATTI; Dec. 15, 1902 - Dec. 12, 1986 (LEVATKAA), Hilda-W; Dec. 3,  61
                   1904 - Apr. 1 1, 1987 (Rauhassa)

                  JECOFF PETER; d. Apr. 30,1945                                                         377

                  JOAKKOLA ANNA; aucune autre identification                                             50

                  JOAKKOLA MATTI; aucune autre identification                                            5  1

                  JOHNSON AGNES (mother); 1901-1986, August (father); 1892-1 975: Hulda (mother);  492
                   1902-1939, note; In loving memory.

                  JOHNSON ALFRED: aucune autre identification                                            77

                  JOHNSON ERIK & HELEN (R)                                                              205

                   JOIINSON ERIK-J; 1889-1973. iest in peace                                            111

                   JOHNSON HULDA (mother); Agnes Johnson (mother);  190 1  - 1986, August (father);  506
                   1892-1975, Hulda (mother); 1902-1939, note; In loving memory.

                   JOHNSON MARTHA-ELISABETH; b. Sept.  11, 1897 - d. Jan. 26,  1944, In loving  508
                   memory of my dear wife Martha-Elisabeth Johnson, note; Rest in peace, Lepaa rauhassa,
                   Deeply rnounied, Albcrl

                   JOKOMAKI EDOUARD;  aucune autre identification                                        40

                   JONES LLOYD-GEORGE; 19 17- 1968,  In loving memory of Lloyd-George, Ingnd-lrene:  129

                   JUURIJARVI ELO: 1903- 199  1                                                          28

                   KANT1 MARY: aucune autre identification                                              627

                   KELTAMAKI ERNEST-J; 1905-1984, Selma-K; 1905-1987, RaKain Mustelmin                   66

                   KELTAMAKI ERNEST-J; 1906-1984, Selma-K; 1905-1987, Ralckain Mustelmin (A la  666
                   memoire de)
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