Page 149 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 149
GARNETT GEORGE; 1891-1968 198
GARNETT NANCY-JOAN; born June 25, 195 1. died Jul. 2, 195 1 535
GARNETT NELSON; 1898-1970, husband of Ruby 533
GARNETT RUBY-JOAN ; born Feb. 19, 1945, D. Apr. 23, 1950. note: our beloved 534
GENO CLARENCE: b. Jul. 9, 1905, d. Aug. 3, 1933, note; at rest 477
GENO IDA-MINERVA; 1882-1 960, In loving memory of Ida-Minerva Geno. 478
GENO LOUIS-H; 1876-1955 479
GILLIS GRACE; aucune autre identification 22 1
GIRARD (R) 124
GIRARD BB GIRL: June 28, 1970. daugter of Anne and Stan
GIRARD PERCY-S; 1894-1964, In loving memory of a loving Husband anf Father.
GIRARD WILFRID; 1906-1953, In loving memory of Wilfrid Girard.
GIRARD WILLIAM; 1866-1934, Elizabeth; 1866-1 946
GIRARD WILLIS; 1905-1973, In loving mernory of Willis Girard, note; never will your
memory fade.
GIRARD-C; aucune autre identification
GOMERICK PAUL; aucune autre identification
GREELY JO-ANNE-HEATHER; b. Sept. 20, 1945: d. Mai 23, 1951 547
GREELY LLOYD; 1907-1969, Husband of Dorothy Steels, note; R.I.P. 132
GREELY; (R) aucune autre identification 133
GREENY G. H.; aucune autre identification 614