Page 94 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 94

h  Fev  27  1885  d  Oct  6  1935                 E.M.  Hoben       1883  -  1943
                   Charles  David  Joyce                             Lea  Mary  May  1876  -  1957
                   h  Jan  26  1880  d  Oct  31  1950                ------------
                   Joseph  A.  Joyce                                 J  HENRI  BORDELEAU
                   Rorn  11  Dec  1921  d  Oct  11  1970             1892  -  1979
                   Dellamere  Arthur  Howard                         euoux  de
                   d  Jan  5  1910  62  yrs                          ~éneva Blondeau
                   his  wife                                         1901  -  1971
                   Bridget  Fahey                                    -----------
                   d  Sept  28  1935  90  yrs                        RODOLPHE  MICHAUD
                   Marion  Rita  Joyce                               1897  -  1951
                   d  Julv  23  1906  6mths                          husband  of
                    Anna  Mabel  Street                              M  Ethel  Smith
                  b  July  31  1887                                  1903 -  1974
                  d  Jan  25  1897                                   -----------
                  Douglas  R.  Street  1864  -  1943                 SANDERS
                  his  wife                                          Joseph  Leonard  Sanders  M.D.
                  Elizabeth  B.  Christie                            1894  -  1951
                  1871  -  1958                                      husband  of
                  Arthur  C.  Street                                 Fabiola  (  Lola  )  Beauchamp
                  1902  -  1934                                      Paul  Edwin  1934  -  1959
                  James  Cunard  Street                              Mary  Josephine  1927  -  1962
                  1886  -  1967                                      -----------
                  P.O.  Douglas  A         Street                    MALONEY
                  1918  -  1942                                      Mary  E.  Binns
                  John  Ambrose  Street                              1894  -  1960
                  1862  -  1922                                      wife  of
                  his  wife                                          Henry  W.  Maloney
                  Ada  Smith                                         1889  -  1964
                  ?     -  1933                                      -----------
                  Mary  Clara  O'Keefe                               VICTORINE  E.  1861  -  1931
                  wife  of                                           -----------
                  Harold  D.  Street                                 JOSEPH  ROBERT  SEED
                  1907  -  1932                                      1888  -  1900
                  Harold  D.  Street                                 -----------
                  19111  -  1956                                     E.  PATRY
                  Sean  M.  Riley                                    Elzire  Laure  Houde
                  June  2  1956  -  Aug  29  1974                    1880  -  1957
                  Catherine  F.  O'Connor                            epouse  de
                  wife  of  H.D.  Street                            Edgar  Patry
                  1917  -  1978                                      1880  -  1961
                  Charles  Frederic  Street  M.  A.                 Marie  Houde
                  1832  -  1914                                      1876  -  1964
                  Frances  Teresa  Street  Née  Lynn                Fernand
                  1848  -  1910                                     1911 -  ----
                  n ,. ,. Lyzn  Street  188A  -  1910               P~O-X de
                  Anna  Mabel  Street  1887  -  1897                May  Berlinguette
                  William  Louis  Street                            1909  -  ----
                  1909  -  1915                                     -----------
                  Luice  L.  Street                                 LUCIEN  D 'AOUST
                  wife  of                                          husband  of
                                                                    Dorothy  Miller
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