Page 89 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 89

Helena  O'Connel1                                 PATRICK  McGOVERN
                   d  aug  9  1943  72  yrs                          oct  17  1872  -  sept  21  1934
                   - .- -- - --- -- -                                his  wife

                   ALEXANDER  O'NEIL                                 Ellen  Taylor
                   1863  -  1938                                     19  feb  1877  -  12  nov  1953
                   his  wife                                         Evelyn  M.  McGovern
                   Jane  Cameron                                     6  may  1914  -  23  oct  1928
                   :l864  -  1945                                    Staff  Sgt.  Farrell  McGovern
                   Cpl  Clifford  J.OINeil                           lost  on  the  "Nerissa"  on
                   1898  -  1916                                     30  apr  1941
                   .-----  ------                                    - - - - - - - - - - -

                   SANDS                                             EDWIN  McLELLAN
                   Maria  J.  Bashford                               1871  -  1934
                   wife  of                                          -----------
                   William  Sands                                    PIERRE  BENARD
                   1886  -  1935                                     1854  -  1933
                   -----------                                       his  wife
                   MARGARET  McDONALD                                Célina  Roy
                   wife  of                                          1860  -  1906
                   Howard  Chamberlin                                their  son  Ferdinand
                   d  aug  27  1937  78  yrs                         1880  -  1908
                  Howard  Chamberlin                                 -----------
                   d  aug  3  1940  78  yrs                          BONFIELD
                   -----------                                       Bridget  O'Vonnell
                  MME  ALBERT  CHARLES  TALBOT                       wife  of
                  n6e  Emond  en  1858                               John  S.Bonfield
                   d  en  1935                                       1858  -  1933
                  Emelie  Coursolles                                 their  son
                   1868  -  1938                                     James  S.  Bonfield
                  épouse  de                                         1888  -  1933
                   Gustave  Emond                                    their  daughter
                  1862  -  1942                                      Rachel  Bonfield  Forhan
                  Charles  Emond                                     1889  -  1973
                  1898  -  1956                                      their  erand'dauehter
                  -----------                                        Mary  ~atherine fiicks
                  RODOLPHE  LARIVIERE                                1953  -  1973
                  d  jan  28  1935  39  ans                          -----------
                  Ellen  McMahon                                     D'ODET-D'ORSONNENS         (Arthur)
                  d  fév  15  1942  40  ans                          d  4  avr  1933  48  ans
                  -----------                                        -----------
                  ALBERT  NORMAND                                    ALFRED  A.  MARTIN
                  1892  -  1935                                      d  29  mar  1933
                  Léopold -~err ier                                  his  wife
                  1890  -  1958                                      Margaret  T.Burke
                  époux  de                                          d  apr  16  1951
                  Valeda  Roberi                                     -----------
                  -----------                                        ISIDORE  CLOUTHIER
                  ALBERT  BOISSEAU                                  d  19  rnar  1933  53  ans
                  1867  -  1934                                      son  épouse
                  husband  of                                       Félicité  Whalen
                  Mary  Gibson                                      1865  -  ----
                  18'76  -  1947                                    Regina  Clouthier
                  - - .- - - - - - - - -                            -----------
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