Page 48 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 48
William J Wamock Charles J. O1T)oherty 1878 - 1910
veteran 1914 - 1918 husband of
1892 - 1963 Hannah E Killorran 1881 - 1949
husband of -------------
Elizabeth-~rady LOUIS EDEDh'D LAPL4TE 1878 - 1940
Shirley 1932 - 1940 -------------
Elise 10 mths RI LEY
Elizabeth Brady Charles J. Riley
1898 - 1976 d Dec 19 1939 51 yrs
his wife
SEGUIN ibrothy Tapp Goldsmith
brie Odile Fournier 1885 - 1956
epouse de Andrew Tapp 1838 - 1922
J Baptiste Seguin his wife
d Avril 4 1940 71 yrs &ry Jane Lucas
Jean Baptiste Seguin 1844 - 1920
1865 - 1944 bks Aurelia Elitchell
1869 - 1933
MARIE SARRAZIN LOBALBO Amos W Tapp 1883 - 1937
b Feb 13 1887 d Mar 26 1940 -------------
wife of QUESNEL
Samuel Lobalbo Romeo Quesnel 1900 - 1959
b Ehr 19 1873 d hhy 12 1951 Benjamin Quesnel 1825 - 1912
Hyacinthe Quesnel 1864 - 1936
CHARETE Ezilda Quesnel 1868 - 1947
Augus t ine Rochon -------------
d Fev 19 1940 73 yrs CASAGRANDE
epouse de Annibale Casagrande
J.B. Charette b Mar 12 1904 d Jan 30 1938
d Nov 16 1941 84 yrs Victor Casagrande
------------- b Jan 27 1932 d .Qr 23 1956
Thomas H. Gallagher 1863 - 1938
ANNIE McGRATH Helena Gallagher
1885 - 1954 -------------
wife of RILEY
James J Doyle hhry Shane
1883 - 1966 d May 12 1938 45 yrs
------------- wife of
k WNNELL George Riley
Frank btDonnel1 Emily Shane 1887 - 1974
Born at -------------
Randalstown Co. Antrim Ireland ALPHONSE BOURGALLT
n-c io 1~77
"CC IV ru, D Jan 76 19'58 72 7s
d Dec 19 1939 son épouse
husband of Marie Rose Caouette
b-ry Gertrude Mtrphy d Juin 8 1949 80 yrs