Page 47 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 47

\VALTER  hiARLING                                  P.  Gerald  Cavanagh
                  son  of                                           1907 -  1980
                  \Valter  and  Ida  Lme                            husbarid  of
                  1919 -  1922                                      Margaret  Nash
                                                                    1917 - ----
                  Virginia  Walter                                  --------------
                  née  Larie  1895 - 1919
                  GORMAN                                            Joseph  Lorente     1898  -  1965
                  hhry  lrfargaret  Kaufman                         husband  of
                  daughter of                                       Evelyn  h   h       1906  - ----
                  lrtrs  btichael  Gom
                  d  Apr  20  1919  52  yrS                         514886  Private
                  (harlie  O'Leary  1868 - 1935                     hedee  Gamache
                  Alzora  Bottomley                                 C.A.S.C.    C.E.F.
                  wife  of  M  Gorman                               hg. 4  1944
                                                                    -  ------------
                  b  Nov  19  1849
                  d  Feb  12  1936                                  TABRIEL  GAMACHE
                  Gerald  M  Gonnan                                 1864 -  1941
                  1889 - 1945                                       so~i épouse
                  his wife                                          Almire  ûwnaiç
                  Loretto Maclrbhon                                 1868 -  1943
                  1889 -  1975
                  -------------                                     WIA SABOURIN
                  CLEOPHIRE  MILLETTE                               1881 - ----
                  epouse  de                                        çon  épouse
                  Louis  Millette      1851 - 1933                  Athala  bialette
                  Louis  Millette      1852 - 1935                  1888 -  1947
                  Blanche  Millette  1893 - 1941
                  epouse  de                                        FIIADELFIO  DIBARTOLO
                  Achille  Fortier  1894 - ----                     sept  17 1872  - sept  12  1943
                  Joseph  Millette                                  his wife
                  d  !.ki-ç  12  1966  84  yrs                      Rosalia  Lobaldo
                  ewux de                                           sept  27  1884 - may  31  1966
                  hkrie  Louiç
                  Fredrick                                          GRAHAM
                  d  Juin  11  1973 87  yrs                         Estelle  Saucier     1884  -  1940
                                                                    Adolphe  O  Saucier  1878 -  1940
                  HENRI  BANCE
                  epoux  de                                         HECTOR  GINGRAÇ
                  Anne  Laurin  Barice                              époux  de
                  1883 - 1958                                       Marie  Anne  Charron  1894  -  1940

                  ARCHIBALD  J bcMINELL
                  1878 - 1946
                  hiç wife
                  i&iy   es Lm??                                    .TnSFPHi  VINCBT
                  1877 - 1950                                       d  30  Oct  1917  76  yrç
                  -------------                                     --------------
                  NASH                                              PHILIP  EAGEN  1875 -  1939
                  Mary  Byme  1870 - 1251                           hiç wife
                  wife  of                                          Madeleine  E Noonan
                  John  Naçh                                        1890  -  1962
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