Page 40 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 40

hbther                                            Hilda  C.  Hickson
                   1850 -  1892                                       1898 -  1918
                   Ellen                                             Robert  W.  Hickson
                   1873 -  1879                                       1890  -  1894
                                                                     Joseph  P.  Hickson
                   CQVENEY                                            1894  -  1894
                   Dora  Gertrude,  daughter  of                     Irkry  Hickson
                   John  &  Nellie                                    1897  -  1897
                   d  apr  2  1895  8  yrs                            -------------
                                                                     MIWL O'COLWLL
                   to my wife                                         1877  -  1953
                   Vary  Ethel  Whittey                              husband  of
                   d  dec  25  1931 41 yrs                           Vaud  Ellen  hlckvem
                   erected by  Charles  W.  Dalglish                  1886  - 1965
                   -------------                                     Joseph  O'Connel1
                   JAMES  WHIïTY                                     1890'-  1927
                   and  wife                                         husband  of
                   Irhry  Doyle                                       Cathérine  Devereaux
                   their  sons                                        1895 -  1969
                   Lawrence  &  John                                 John  O'Connel1
                   Edward  O'Connor                                   1843 - 1913
                   his wife                                          his wife
                   Bridget  My                                       Emma  Thibault
                   Patrick                                            1855 -  1900
                   brgaret                                           ïHOhIAS  BURNS
                   James  L.                                         d  dec  5  1926  78  yrs
                   -------------                                     his wife
                   JOSEPH  ALLARD                                    blary  btahoney
                   1895 - 1965                                       d  july  30  1928  82  yrs
                   époux  de                                         Irlargaret  Williams
                   Alexina  Tremblay                                 d  june  30  1914  33 yrs
                   1896 - 1966
                   -------------                                     ERNEST  LETELLIER
                   JEAN-BAPTISTE  ALLARD,  sr                        1889  -  1963
                   1856 - 1906                                       époux  de
                   son  épouse                                       Laura  Beaudry
                   Eléonore  Beaulne                                 1891 - 1979
                   1863 - 1921                                       Philippe  Letellier
                   Jean-Baptiste  Allard,  jr                        1960 - 1978
                   1903 - ----
                   son  épouse                                       ABRAHAM  TAPP
                   Joséphine  Portelance                             d  july  30  1894  19 yrs
                   1906 - ----                                       -------------
                   JCHd  HTCKSON                                     Olive  Galameau
                   d  nov  19 1907  75  yrs                          épouse  de
                   his wife                                          Jean  Baptiste  Couillard
                   Bridget  Neagle                                   d  17 mai  1921 56  ans
                   d  feb  11 1900  69  yrs                          Jean-Baptiste  Couillard
                   John  J.  Hickson                                 d  23 jan  1949  84  ans
                   1888  - 1918                                      Eugène  Couillard
                                                                     1890  -  1967
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