Page 39 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 39

Irkrgaret  Davidson
                                                                     1866 -  1945
                   ~erthe Therrien  Tapp
                   1919 - 1971                                       ALBERT  BOüiliILLIER
                   - - - - - - - - - - - - -                         1888  - 1949
                   EUGENE  CHARLEBOIS                                époux  de
                   1872 - 1949                                       Rose  Enmu  Plouffe
                   son  épouse                                       1893 -  1937
                   Hélène  Despins                                   en  2e  noce
                   1871 - 1950                                       Pauline  Sabourin
                   Léon  Charlebois                                  1916  - 1977
                   1908 - 1967                                       Joseph  Sabourin
                   son  épouse                                       1891 - 1958
                   Lucie  Landreville                                Charles  Çabourin
                   1909 -  1977                                      1913 -  1970
                   brie  1963  6  irs                                Michel  Bouthillier
                   Robert  Bobby  6'~eary                            1949 - ----
                   1937 - 1958                                       Marie-Marthe
                                                                     1927 -  1938
                   JEAN-RENE  ST-DENIS                               -------------
                   1914  -  1949                                     SAMllEL  bfICHAEL  BINW.1
                   époux  de                                         Mayor  of  Ottawa  from
                  Jeannette  Bédard                                  1897  - 1898
                                                                     drowned  june  17th 1905  53 ~TS
                  'IHoIrIAS  hklrLWUS                                -------------
                  june  26  1887 - july  11  1960                    MABEL  EGAN
                  husband  of                                        1885  -  1943
                  Lavina  Cameron                                    Bridget  Egan
                  july  4  1884  - may  6  1970                      1865 - 1951
                  Cameron  Mchhnus                                   James  Egan
                  june  5  1911 - oct  27  1949                      d  aug  29  1891
                  Ray  Io/c-                                         his wife
                  1915 -  1967                                       Annie  Goudwen
                  b  nov  2  d  feb  1                               d  ian  10  1914
                  his wife                                           IrliChael  Egan
                  hrothv kManu                                       d  nov  27  1900
                  1914 -  1971                                       hkrgaret  Egan
                  b  apr  3  d  july  27                             d  july  31 1917
                                                                     Michael  Egan
                  ALBERT  MENARD                                     d  june  28  1876  9  11s
                  1896  -  1948                                      Mary  Egan
                  husband  of                                        wife  of
                  ,&kartha  Dickson                                  George  Dufour
                                                                     d  may  13 1894  32  11s
                  DANIEL  LAHEY                                      Charles  Dufour
                  1910 -  1972                                       june  4  1880 - oct  11 1912
                  busband  of
                  .klice Davidson                                    MrnW
                  1905 - 1949                                        father
                  Victory  Landry                                    1826 - 1916
                  1918 - ----                                       Aunt  Mary
                  his mother                                         1846 - 1911
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