Page 201 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 201

JOHN  IVATT                                        son  of
                     d  Dcc  19  19:s     39  yrs                       3e~i3 Yil'e,?n  ~n?
                     his  wife                                          b!ary  Ahern
                     blary  Thersa  Johnston                            d  May  4  1916
                      1875  -  1956                                     his  wife
                                                                        1   -  Ann  .hl-icRri 40
                     FLARY  ANN  MURPHY                                 b  ~éstboro Ont.  Nov  5  1844
                     d  1934                                            daughter  of
                     blaude  h!urphy                                    Hugh  MacBride  ana
                      1916                                              islary  Anri  Kealey
                      Frederick  1943                                   d  Dec  29  1925
                     Lilliane  Elizabeth                                and  their  youngest  son
                     1960                                               Thomas  Lawrence
                     blahel  Egan  1967                                 b  Westboro  Ont.  July  29  158~
                     Westlake  lvilbert                                 d  July  16  1944
                     lQ7.i                                              hlary  Ann  Kealev
                     Hilda  Ann  1973                                   b  Apr  25  1864
                     - - . - - - - - - - - - -                          (!  D-c  24  1928
                     JOSEPH  BUREAU                                     James  Napoleon  1870  -1939
                     epoux  de                                          Mugh  Willia~;~ 1867  -1940
                     Heloise  Pina~d                                    Sarah  Ema            ,866  .-IR79
                     - - . . - . . . . - ,- - - .                       Thomas  John          1875  ,-  L .  ;
                     ALDA  ST-DENIS                                     Dennis  Alfred  Kilieen
                     epouse  de                                         b  Oct  4  1877  d  Junc  27  1957
                     J.K.  Bureau                                       - .  - - - - - -. ,  -
                     bloses  Le  Breton                                 LALONDE
                     epoux  de                                          Elizabeth  blc\!eigh
                     Bea  Bureau                                        epouse  de
                     Eugenen  Laroche                                   Elzear  Lalonde
                     epoux  de                                          d  March  7  1958  68  yrs
                     Jeanne  Germaine  Bureau                           E!  zear  i.alon:~e
                                                                        d  Apr  23  1947
                     CLOSSON                                            Leo  Lalonde  d
                      Fidelia  Auclair                                  Flarch24  1918  23  yrs
                     epouse  de                                         Cecile  Lalonde
                     Emile  Llosson                                     d  March  14  1955
                     d  le  30  avr  1916  42  yrs                      Bertha  1900  -  10  m.;.hs
                     - - - - - - - - - - - . .                          Ernest  1912  -  d  vih5
                     ARTHUR  CLOSSON                                     . . . . - - - - . -
                     1883 -  1955                                       J . G .  ROBt,RT
                     epoux  de                                          Joseph  Robert
                     i'aldeda  Bédard                                   d  Oct  15  1953  81  yrs
                     1886  -  1966                                      epoux  de
                     Raymon  CLosson                                    Sara  Vaillant
                     1920  1957                                         d  Dec  17  1954  84  yrs
                     epoux  de                                          ------------
                     Jcannine  Nadeau                                   E>TILE  LEDUC  1902  -  ----
                     1976  -  1971                                      epiiux  de
                     -----------                                        Ozima  Lcgare
                      KILLEEN                                           1897  -  ----
                     Thomas  Benuamin  Killeen                         Flelina  Belcc  1662  -  i935
                     b  Soutli  Plarch  Ontario                         <.pouse  de
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