Page 198 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 198

CHARLEBOIS                                        CHARLES  \VILSON
                       Lucia  Scanlon  1P78  .  ?3<7                     .:  ;9:3
                      epouse  de                                         epoux  de
                      Charles  J.  Charlebois                            !.ielina  Lamour
                      Lucille  1914  -  1917                             d  sept  13 1916

                      VICTOR  BELANGER                                   LOCATELLI
                      1835  -  1905                                      Locatelli  giuseppe
                      Ernest       1863  -  1917                         nato
                      Julie  Ain  Belanger                               il  20  Ottobre  1898
                      1837  -  1922                                      mortoil
                      Alice  1868  -  1947                               20  settembre  1918
                      Blanche  1865  -  1947                             Dolenti  Genitori
                      Victor  1862  -  1952                              Cuesta
                      Clorinde                                           Teodorico  Locatelli
                      1~870 1957                                        nato  il
                      -----------                                        25  Decembre  1889
                      CASAULT                                           morto  il
                      Esther  Alard                                      26  Ottobre  1916
                      epouse  de                                        Piccole  Teodorico  Locatelli
                      Louis  Joseph  Casault                            nato  il
                      1831  -  1937                                      26  Giugnio  1917
                      -----------                                       morto  il
                      kiACKELL                                          21  Ottobre  1918
                      John  Macke11  1834  -  1917                      Figlio  Defonto
                      his  wife                                         Teodorico  Salvat.ore  Local:< 317.
                      Ellen  Cantwell                                   1854  -  1949
                      1838  -  1940                                     ------------
                      Arthur  P blackell                                FREDERICK  R  PANTALONE
                      1871  -  1947                                     1888  -  1961
                      his  wife                                         Teresa  Pantalone
                      Isabelle  Cyr                                     1856  -  1934
                      1875  -  1961                                     ------------
                      - - -- -- - ---- .-                               PAUL  JOSEPH  MANIONE
                      DERY                                              1886  -  1945
                      Joseph  T.N.  Dery                                hlary  Rose
                      1869  -  1937                                     -----------
                      husband  of                                       CARROLE
                      Exilia  Paul  1869  -  1966                       James  Carrole
                      Na~oleon Derv                                     3  Apr  10  1917  68  yl;
                      1902  -  1928  '                                  his  wife
                      Icilfrid  Dery                                    Catherine  Wilkie
                      1904  -  1976                                     d  Aur  7  1942  89  vrs
                      -------- ----                                     ~ohh Thomas  ~arrole
                      MI CHAEL  FLANAGAN                                d  Apr  10  1957  77  yrs
                      1865  -  1916                                     Elizabeth  fmily
                      his  wife                                         d  July  25  1977
                      Mar-garet  Dadey                                  Hel en
                      1871 -  1950                                      d  Aug  12  1980
                      -----------                                       -----------
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