Page 110 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 110
Glaude, 230, Harbatuk, 290,
Gleeson 212, Hardabura, 296,
Godard, 267, Hardgrove, 211,
Godbout, 230,234,266,287, Hare, 269,
Goderre, 236,244,300, Harney, 292,
Godin, 279, Harrigan, 259,293,
Gsdsill, 233, Harrington, 257,
Gogins, 263, Harris, 262,
Goodwin, 287, Harrisson, 209,223,
Gorman, 208,239,244,254, Hart, 244,
Gosselin, 213,223, Hashie, 295,
Gosset, 267, Hay, 221,
Gougeon, 207, 242, Hayden, 272,
Gouin, 300, Hayes, 239,245,275,281,
Goulet, 238,274,286, Hayter, 216,
Goupille, 238,300, Hebert, 210,229,
Gourdine, 264, Heffernay, 241,
Gourgeon, 217, Hellard, 249,
Gourgon, 218,298, Helo, 240,
Goyer, 300, Henderson, 224,
Goyette, 292, Henley, 228,
Grabiec, 140, Henry;-216,282,
Graham, 212,222,226,239, Herbert, 209,236,
Grand, 298, Hickey, 285,
Grandmont, 239, Hickson, 217,
Grant, 288,294, Higgerty, 286,
Cratton 222,275,295, Hilliard, 255,
Gravel, 206,210,216,295, Hillman, 240,
Gravelle, 242,243,245,247,267,268, Hind, 223,
276,280,282, Hodges, 272,
Graziadei, 244, Hodgins, 259,
Green, 272, Hogan, ?11,215,253,254.27? 2//,
Greene, 279, Hogertey, 242,
Gregoire, 213,214,275, Hollande, 249,269,
Grenier, 205,273, Hollingsworth, 268,
Greeco, 220, Hollowaty, 299,
Grimes, 254, Holmes, 293,
Grogan, 232, Homier, 291,
Gross, 261, Horan. 295.
Groulx, 241,252,261,265,281,283, ort toi, 278,
784,293,297, Houde, 203,
Guenette, 288, Houlahan, 272,294,
Guertin, 258, 266,276, Houle, 274,279,284,
Guibord, 208, Howard. 227.
Guilbeault , 210,252, Howe. 201.
Guillot . 245. ~owlétt 263,
~uindon; ?16;220,256,293, Hrabec, 298,
Hache, 792,298, Huard, 207,223,247,
Hall, 209,242,292, ~ubert, 225,
Hudon, 207,
Hughes, 225,227,280,
Hultquist, 224,289,