Page 105 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 105


                      Abbott,289,                                       Barsalou,  202,
                      Adams.  203.                                      Bart,  240,
                                                                        Barthe,  266,
                      Alban,  207,                                      naulin,  2i2,
                      Albert.  224,299,                                 Baulne,  234,
                                                                        Baxter,  206,
                      ~llard;.262,.                                     Bayne,  244,
                      Allaire,  236,                                    Bazinet,  232,245,287,
                      Allen,  220,266,276,                              Beaton,  233,261
                      Alpin,  283,                                      Beatty,  236,
                      Ammond,  221,271,                                 Beaubien,  270,
                      Amo,  257,271,                                    Beaucage,  2 78,
                      Amyot.  218,219,                                  Beauchamp,  261,271,279,282,293,
                      Andrews,  263,                                    Beauclaire,  242,
                      Angelo,  247,                                     Beaudet , 246,
                      Arbic,  204                                       Beaudin,  276,
                                                                        Beaudoin,  216,
                      ~rcaid, '275,'                                    Beaudry,  212,242,261,290,
                      Archambeault,  216,234,258,                       Beaulieu,  226,249,
                      Archbeacon,  291,                                 Beaulne,  300,
                      Argue,  283,                                      Beauregard,  260,268,
                      Armstrong,  272,                                  Beausejour,  274,
                      Asher,  291,                                      Beauvais,  267,
                      Asselin,  220,277,                                Bedard,  212,216,237,371,294,
                      Atwell,  247,                                     Behan,  207,
                      Aubertin,  283,                                   Belaire,  278,
                      Aubin,  266,                                      Béland,  220,252,287,294,
                      Aubry,  208,217,257,270,                          Belanger,  223,248,261,275,291,
                      Auclair,  245,                                    294,298,
                      Audette,  225,                                    Belcorde,  300,
                      Auger,  216,294,                                  Belisle,  207,256,
                      Augier,  206,                                     Belleau,300,
                      Aupry,  268,                                      Bellefeuille,  266,271,282
                      Ayotte,  281,                                     Belle-Hache,  203,
                      Babin,  274,                                      Bellemare,  224,258,
                      Bahan,  286,                                      Belleville,  247,266,
                      Bailey,  277,                                     Benard.  216:
                      Baillargeon,  261,                                Bender,  253;293,
                      Baizanna,  265,                                   Benoit,  218,219,235,236,246,253,
                      Bance,  288,
                      Banko,  239,                                      ~erard, .218,
                      Barbaro,  246,                                    Bergeron,  222,228,260,282,
                      Barette,  261,                                    Beriard,  217,
                      Barkley,  247,                                    Berlinguette,  217,
                      Barnabe,  219,228,                                Bernard,  234,
                      Barnes,  284,                                     Berry,  237,
                      Baron,  202,221,                                  Berthelctte,  217,267,271,272,
                      Barratt,  289,                                    Bertrand,  230,231,248,274,776,
                      Barrette,  205,265,283,                           296,
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