Page 214 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 214

               Roy,  Cle~entine Louise                                                           183
               Rsy,  Louis                                                                       r53  F.L.
               Roy,  i~iargaret carLe -5  babes                                                  153  F.E.
               Roy,  I,lart?ia                                                                   153  s.2.
               Roy,  I>Jornan Xillzrd                                                            183
               Roy,  Rose  Laurie                                                                99 6

               Rudd,  Jai~es 2i;ssell
               E~dd,  Stafford  fi.

               Rzdd ick , Donald  J.
               R:rddick,  Ral,nh  Reoves

               12, -J.K t z
               Runt z
               Zuntz,  Alexander
               Runt z,  Arthur
               Ru~t , Bertha  L.
               aunt z,  Charles
               Runt z , Christopher  Fau!
               Riint z,  Doris
               P,i;ntz,  Ferdi~and                                                               N' i3locli  F:;
               Exnt z , Fr ed                                                                    476
               R?Xt z ,  Fredrick  ij.                                                           N  Slock  FE
               R'~.r,t Z , Gertrude  L.                                                          740
               Runt z,  Henry                                                                    692
               Runt z , Lerbert  A.                                                              034
               Runt z,  fierman  B.                                                              ?;  Ylock  FE
               Runtz,  Ida  biary                                                                435
               Runt z,  Johc  3.                                                                 656  s%
               Runt z , Jule                                                                     O93
               Rcnt z , ~awrence                                                                 435'
               R~nt , IliI.dred                                                                  2C0  F.1:.
               Rant z,  Ilir,nie                                                                 cl8
               R.~r-tz,  I;iyrtLe  L.                                                            8.47  IV*
               Runt z , Fercy  5.                                                                070
               Rl,.nt  z,  Sarah  June                                                           O34
               R-arLt z , Sandra  Clsire                                                         070
               Rant z,  !.eldon                                                                  093
                         ., , .
               R~lnt  i.llliarn                                                                  614
               Runt z , ;,illiarn
               Iiurit 2,  ;in.  J.

               Russeil,  hda                                                                     205
               R.~.sseil, Lndrew                                                                 170  F.E.
               Russell,  Bndrew                                                                  170  F.C.
               Russell,  kndrew                                                                  170 F.L.
               Ru.ssel1,  ArchiVald
     , Archibald
               Russell,  .&rth;ir Allan
               Rx,sell!  Lrthur  Samuel
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