Page 212 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 212
Ritchie, Alex ->6
Ritchie, Sernice
Bitchie, Catherine
Ritchie, Daciei Bn?rew
Ritci-:ie , Dorothy ild.
Ritchie, lleanor
Ritchie, Georgina
Ritchie, La'iirence 1:.
Kitchie , 1'!!3r t on 5:.
Ilj-tchie , Stella P. (Storie) ..
hitchir, Thos. . .
Rivett, Chsries :ilwood
Rivett, Chrlçtopker
Rivez-i, hlizrbeti?
Rivrtt, Forest i,.
Rivett , Ja.""C - 107 F.L.
Rivet': , i hria
- -
Rivett, iks. Russell
Etivctt , I!illFam
aobbins, 5. Rocald J.
E:ibbins, Richard 5,
n3bertson: Alrxagder
3obeïts0r.~ Alex Stewart
3.obertso~, An?re7;; Rlssell
Kobertsor,; Snriabei~l
nobartssn, Xcrie G.
Robertson, Sertha k. (~eigrist)
Robertson, Cathe?ine
Rstertson, Ciïristiana 1.1 Block FZ
Knberi son, Donu1.d. 289
Rcbercscn, Dc:ialci 310
Robnrtsog, Donalda 289
?Iobertson, Dcrothy 1067
Robertsoc, Cuncan T Block FE
Robertson, Duncan Jas.
Robertsoc, Ziiza'û~th
hob-r *son, Yliüabeth
Hobertsoc, Slizabeth
Kobertsoa, Ida Gillies
?.ohrrtson, Isaballa
Robertson! Jarces Alexan?.er
F,obertsoc, Janet
Robertson? 2ar;rt