Page 104 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 104
Flot POlC4
E. R. Fariner
Plot @IO Cherÿl 3eedrick
baby-Chas Ingra~
xlsood 3unt Saby-Chas Ingraz
'irillian E. Fcster pj!ay 19,197G kier~sn Jaster
3rn~st I<e;ly
.ks. Chas. Krlley
Flot i&x& Lo~~is Lantz (Saby)
&ijy j-aloof
Jaries 1-Iarvey kndrew 1944-1961 iaby Chhrles l'4ciidan
Kev. TtcCurdy
Clarence W. Dean lqol-l97; 1,:. A . ï:Ic'.ra irn
Jessie B. Feever 19~2-:961
Pr ee I,nd. No-Sche
T. j!., iIocdie
Syl !!Jeuman
Joseph J. Eidd-11 1890-1961 Rnthcny Fatrois
-!vif e , - BaVy $!. 2. Patterson
~.Iomie d. Thcrns 185 5- Robt. Peevcr
Earclay Pierce
R. L. Pierce (Eaby)
R. L. Fierce (Yaby),jack (Baby)
TT-& George i:lingsirorth, Dona1.d RobilLard.
'"62 @ 67 P,:eil Scheel (Jabg)
S. Chsries 9. Oklnan Free 3nd -- Skie-Z -
Jaby Sheiley
Free Lnd A-Co A. Si.ver
A-cerh~rot Siver
Albert $el1 -1557 Fra~k: Smith (Baby)
G. aerry Ed-v:ard Stsinke
George 3ond Robert Steverson
Br igci 011 IIerrran Tackman
Earl Brownlee -1950 George Valade (5aby)
%r r ow s Albert ::;.c.rin
Baby a. J. Zl~ixerling
Thos. R. Campbell -i960
Geo. Carr -1946
~Bargaret Rilen Carr -1367 F-t #l Free End
Robert A. Collins(baby) -1962
John Bailey Kerr
Free 3nd Co-lia wiÏe,
Grôce Alena Cassidy
John Cram -1949
1ti;rs. Cram
Em. Cuthbertson Flot #2
Baby Cuthbertson -195c
terman Dilkn Vacant - fiee stilmp
i,ir S. Duhn -1951
balter Eugo Duhn -1963