Page 100 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 100

               Plot  #O29                                       Plot &lx
               Biilliam  May                                    Natallie  Campbell
               Evelyn  Thomas
                                                                :dIrs.  J.  E.  Isbester

                                                                Plot; a
               PJ$  Gordon  Barry            1889-
                     wife,  Lila  l'dorphy  1894-               Edgar  H.  Burwash                 1892-
                                                                 wife,  Amy  Thelma  Barnes  1900-1958
               S& IuTrs.  Ida  Knight

                                                                Plot  $QS
               Plot  $031
                                                                Emerson  Francis  Robert  Gourlay,
               Gilbert  Koir                  1890-1953                                            1904-1965
                                                                Collee  Xuriel  Gourlay            1950-1964

                                                                InÎant  Granddaughter                    -1963

               Barbara  J.  Ross              1943-1959
               Sheila  Ross                   1914-             Plot&@Q  -see  N&  848
               Douglas  Rcss                  191-3-
                                                                Beatrice  Sereney


               $4 Ott O  Kumm                 1884-1973
             -         Elsa  Kuhl             1886-1967         Cecil  6.  Armitage                1899-
                                                                  wife,  Urina  B.  Kingfian  1898-
               S$    Arthur  V.  Charbonreau,                   Edith  C.  Armitage                1921-1973
                       Mary  M.  Getty        1884-1959          Flot  $Q42

                                                                William  John  Wolff               1893-
               --                                                 wif e,  Rnna  Xatilda  Klapel,
                Herbert  A.  Runtz            1905-1954
                Sarah  Jane  Runtz            1911-1970         Douglas  Martin  Carey             1921-
                                                                  wife,  Edna  Hazel  Wolff
                Plot  B35

                16.  Raycroft
                                                                 Minnie  A.  Berger                1885-1959

                ---                                              Ewald  8.  Berger                  1913-1972
                Pearl  M.  Gutzman            1907-1959          Dorothy  M.  Rïtchie               1918-
                (Mrs.  Frank  Schlievert)
                                                                 Plot  #O44
                Margaret  Schlievert                             Herman  F.  ii.  Schultz           1883-1961
                                                                 ~libabeth Kruger                   1885-1959
                Roy  A.  Schlievert                              'William  J.  Verth                1912-
                                                                 ,@ildrSed E.  Schultz              1925-
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