Page 5 - Registre des cimetières de Gatineau-Hull - 1984
P. 5

Isobel S.  1847 - 1926                        In memoriam
                          Mary W.  1851 - 1833                          Williai Lothi-  1814-1895
                          James 1809 - 188                              lhrganrt Walker 1820-1878
                          John 1840 - 193                               Their children
                          Duncan 1883 - 1924                            John W.  1850 - 189
                          Psalm XV                                      Wargaret E.  1858 - 1860
                          D                                             George 1842 - 1861
                          William H.  Dods 1879-1941                    Clementina 1868 - 1875
                          Maxwell Dods 1879-1956                        LOTHM
                          His wife                                      William Jr.  1854 - 1915
                          Margret Cuthberson                            Wargaret H.  1874 - 1959
                          1881 - 1976                                   Jean H.  1896 - 1897
                          DODS                                          Eleanor 1. 1910 - 1965
                                                                        In memoriam
                          Duncan                                        Harper Lothian 1843-1917
                          Mother                                        Kis wife
                                                                        Isabella H.  Craig 1847-1922
                          &mes                                          Harper W.S.  1879 - 1880
                          Euphemia                                      Lizzie G.C.  1877 - 1897
                                                                        Jennie H. 1889 - 1912
                          Elizabeth                                     Children of Harper &

                          Father                                        Bella H.  Lothian
                                                                        1886 David 1948
                          Agnes                                         1876 W.  George 1964
                          D In memory of                                WHIAN
                          Thomas Dods                                   Eleanor
                          Died Jan. 17, 1903
                          Aged 66 yrs.                                  David
                          Also his wife                                 Pather
                          üargaret Stark
                          Died Apr.  8, 1879 AE 27 yrs                  Hother
                          Erected by their sons                         Nargaret H.
                          D ODS
                          L In memory of
                          George Lothian                                H.E.L.
                          Died Feb. 20, 1901                            William Jr.
                          Aged 91 years
                          His beloved wife                              Lizzie
                          Susannah Hudson                               C.L.
                          Died Mar. 3, 1901
                          Aged 81 years                                 G.L.
                          His mother Helen Johnstone                    In memory of
                          Died Mar.  20, 1866                           Isabella
                          Aged 83 years                                 Died May 3,  1852 AE 39 yrs
                          LOTHIAN                                       David Dalr (Dale?)
                          Maria Lothian Hunter                         Died Dec. 2, 1853 BE 32 yrs
                          1843 - 1931                                   Children of Robert Shirley
                          Robert B.                                     Also Mary Waddel
                          Aug. 29, 1849-Peb. 7, 1918                    wife of Willim Shirle
                          Helen Lothian Knox                           Died Aug.  15, 1852 AE g6 yrs
                          Jan. 1848 - April 1928
                          LOTHIAN                                       In loving memory of
                          Margaret Lothian, King                        Hugh Ross
                          1860 - 1934                                  Died Jan. 8, 1943 aged 76 yrs
                                                                        His wife
                          Grandmother                                  Ellen S.  HcNeill
                          Father                                       Died Jan. 4, 1956 aged 84 yrs
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