Page 37 - Registre des cimetières de Gatineau-Hull - 1984
P. 37
In memory of waRKS
Bli~abeth Campbell William J. llarka 1893
Born Aug 23, 1859 Kis rire
Died June 15,1936 Gertrude P. Conolly 1898
Duncan Ossie WacHillan 1878-1940
Blieabeth James H. Macmillan
Father 1876 - 1948
maary Mother
M. Campbell Father
John Gordon Campbell Ossie
Died July 8, 1890
AE 29 Angu.. (broken)
A loving friend and a John
husband dear
A tender parent lieth -8 Hcfill0
i AE 72 yrs
here Died July 8.1 99
Great is the loss we The memory of the just is
here suetain blessed
But hope in heaven to Hannah Telfor
meet again Wife of Angu McKillop
Maggie Campbell Died June 13,1909
Died Mar 20, 1890 Aged 78 yrs
AE 1 yr 7 mos A loving mother once she was
Our darling one hath A wife, ahe was the sanie
gone before 1 hope in heaven we shall
To greet us on the meet, and never part again
blessed shore In memory of
Angus Dlcfillop
Thos Young Died Jan 3,1885 AE 19 yrs
Died Jan 31. 1888 John McKillop
AE 32 yrs- - Died Sept 4,1892 AE 31 yrs
Helen Y. Baird Bleseed are the dead which
sept 6, 1867 die in the Lord
Jan 8, 1933 That they may rest fron
Wife of their labours
William C. Yourg And their works do follow
NOV 9, 1853
Dec 13,1943
B. Collins Young
Died at Albany Holy Bible
June 9,1909 AE 29 yrs In memory of
Faruiv beloved wife of Walter Park who died
w.c.-young April 1st 1885 AE 59 yrs
Died July 31,1892 STEELE
BE 43 yrs Harold Steele 1882-1960
Also their three infan His wife Eva J. Molorrison
children 1888 - 1959
Jesus Christ. The same
yesterday. Today and STEELE
f orever. In loving memory of
Y OrnG (continued)